✨💌 Mexico, Building Community, Hemp & EcoSophy 🌿

Sep 30, 2021 5:12 pm


Hi Loves 💞🌱💞

What a blessing to connect with Nina (via Canada) from the BNL Doula Group in Mexico! Such a sweet time together...and what a blessing to connect incredible people everywhere we go… This group exemplifies our global family with representation from Mexico, Canada, France, Italy, Norway, England and the United States! This is what the New Earth looks like 🌱💚🌱

Freedom Potluck - Tulum Style!



River & I are having deeper understanding of the central role HEMP is playing to heal and build out the new earth as we continue to align with her frequency.

We have come to understand that the prohibition of hemp for the past century has actually protected her for this specific time where she can reveal herself and rise again showing us new ways to get back to the soil, heal ourselves and the earth while creating the new decentralized systems of the positive future timeline.


Watch our latest Regeneration Series Livestream.

Yes we are here in Mexico to recalibrate (and although it looks like we are on vacation we are diligently working behind the scenes - just ask Nina, Chicha or anyone else that spends time with us!). Or better yet, ask River!

The intention for this trip was the final revision my book The Presence/ Absence of Soil with the addition of everything else I have to say through the Lens of the Syntropy and the connection Souv and I shared that led to the Brave New Love Adventure River and I are on. They are both adding the divine masculine energy that is so needed to support the emerging feminine.

The book will also serve as a companion to the Natural Building with Hemp Handbook River is working on as part of the Natural Building with Hemp Training.


We are so grateful for Katrina, Neva, Chicha, Jineen & Fairy Ann who recently went through the WOC Facilitator Training who offered to help us hold space for the Haven Earth Weekly Community Conversations.


Access zoom link to join the conversation at:


Host: Katrina at asoulwoman@protonmail.com 


Brave New Life is a love story on its own accord. It really all has come together for the Love for Life lived fully during a time when the erosion culture is strong on our minds, bodies and souls/soils. Souvereign initiated Feeling Based Relating and the ecosophy of Syntropy in Human Ecology.

Over 600 people took the by donation course that still serves as a foundationally common ground for the Brave New Life Community. It is found on the Love for Life lived fully.

As BNL community moves forward into a self funded online community gathering space it will remain paramount to stay close to what brought us all together in the first place: Feeling Based Relating and the remembering of the love language of Syntropy.


Outside the different zoom circles that are about Feeling-Based Relating, every week Yvonne and Souvereign meet to talk about Self, Soul, navigating this old world, and where the bridge into the New Earth is found.

Here is the promised podcast with Yvonne.

Silky Fantasies of the New Earth.. mmmm...😊

New Earth is a place within, and although we all feel wonderful about such a New Earth vision, together we benefit asking and exploring the "how" physical communities and sanctuaries for the New Earth really function based on the notions of love, peace, and harmony in a world that operates not so.

The question then becomes: How is Syntropy (comprehending how Life operates) relevant in relation to our Communities?

Together we discover more depth. Together as a community we can explore and put language to the true Ecosophy of our Human Nature which for the generations to come (the children) remains ever so critical in an age where top-soul/soil erosion has reached a maximum and caused soul/soil deficiency of cultural magnitudes that many of us don't even begin to comprehend the long-term impacts of AND yet, we are the dreamers of this reality AND our Future!

Together we can go beyond the silky feeling fantasies and observe what there is to embrace as we willfully surrender mentalities that never were going to bring us closer to our heartsknowings (where your ecosophy lives).

In that world we need the Hemp Builders and Navigators who know how to work with Nature, the Land with their Hands AND we need all the Heart-Centered Wayshowers examplifying relating to Life from the stance of Syntropy, Compassion and Self Sovereignty.

BNL 2.0 is in the dream-making!

Welcome to Brave New Life!

Where all of you is Welcome!

Want more info on the Ecosophy circle?

Email syntropy@bravenewlife.net

💗 Zoom Bloom Link 💗

Thursday 10am (EST) 3pm (UK) 10pm (PERTH)


With Love and Passion for Hemp and Syntropy, we anchor in a New Earth,

Imanee, River & Souv

Thank you for making use of Contribution page.

All donations are used wisely towards BNL 2.0

Share your stories, feelings and updates in our community.bravenewlife.net

