Zoom Bloom Reminder, Regenerative Agriculture, & We Are Open Circle Registration!

Jul 29, 2021 6:33 pm


Hi wonder full !

Here's Your Reminder for our Thursday Zoom Bloom

Thursday 10am (EST) 3pm (UK) 10pm (PERTH)


Yes, We Are Doing This! --> The Registrations have Opened!

& You can still join us! A few spots left!

Last week, we had an a-m-a-z-i-n-g intro session with Adam and Miriam facilitating a Spiral process in circling along with diving into the outline of what we are about to explore as an up-leveling of our communities'

Common-Ground. Watch the recording here

Register for Open Circle Facilitation

Use the Password: Community

Check out yesterday's Regeneration Series with Imanee & River on Regenerative Ag + Hemp


Watch Now

And for those of you in New England...

Join Imanee & River for a Natural Building Talk, Freedom Potluck and Hemping Workshop on Sunday August 1st and August 15th


Lastly, mark your calendar for the upcoming We The People Series


Stay Strong for Freedom & love your cells!!

🔥Imani, River, Souv & Shay 🔥

Find your BNL Circles --> community.bravenewlife.net

Latest Video --> Building out the New Earth & Inner Work

Hi, I just came off the zoom session, I would love to do the open circle facilitator but as someone mentioned today that if you do it next time I would like to take part as this time does is not right for a couple of reason I will not bore you with. But please add me on for next time. thank you. I really enjoyed today's share. Love Solange UK