We Are Open Circle Intro & Zoom Bloom Reminder

Jul 22, 2021 6:31 pm



Here's Your Reminder for our Thursday Zoom Bloom

Thursday 10am (EST) 3pm (UK) 10pm (PERTH)

Reminder! We Are Open Circle Intro Today

Join us today for an introductory session with Miram Jones and Adam Rumack of We are Open Circle (WOC). They will be introducing their approach to community and organizational transformation. The focus in this introduction will be on the first stage of their educational program, The Listening Circle, which offers a form for building trust, deepening relationships, unsettling assumptions, and building a foundation for community intersecting of sociology, psychology, and nature-based wisdom traditions.

Together we will experience the Listening Circle, after a brief introduction and overview of the upcoming Listening Circle training being offered to the BNL community. In this way we hope to involve our entire community in the next phase of our growth - with the hopes of offering many more Community Conversations around the world and in multiple time zones.

For anyone interested in participating in the facilitator training - please plan to stay on for an additional hour after today's call to learn more, ask questions and set a date for our group experience.

See You Soon!

Imani, River & Souv
