🎉 WNWC Issue 0️⃣ 1️⃣ : Writing Habits 🖋️

Mar 05, 2024 3:51 pm

Hi ,

I am so glad you are here for this inaugural issue of Write Now with Chrissy. This is my brainchild to bring together all the nerdy bits and behind-the-scenes of writing that I enjoy doing. Only a day or two goes by before someone asks me, How do I do it? How do you write every day?

In all transparency, I don't write every day. I write most days and sometimes (at least once every 10 days or so) I give the old noggin a break. If you are here, chances are strong that you want to write more and that you want to be a better writer.

Tune in biweekly for 3 actionable tips right in your inbox. Each month will focus on a specific theme. Here's a peek ahead at the content calendar:

March - Establish Strong Writing Habits

April - Find New Ideas

May - Edit Your Own Writing

March is the most pleasant time of year in Florida and I have been enjoying the cool breeze and taking my laptop outside to write on my back patio.

Where do you do most of your writing? Reply to this email and let me know. Share a photo and I might feature it in an upcoming newsletter.

Happy writing and happy reading!


This Week's Tips

Tip 1 - Schedule time to write.

Daylight Savings Time kicks off next Sunday for most of the United States. Take advantage of this shift to set a schedule for your writing time. Block times on your online calendar and make sure you don't double-book yourself.

Tip 2 - Dedicate a length of time to write without stopping.

This is the next level after scheduling and focuses more on the logistics of how you're going to write for any length of time. If you are building a new writing habit, start with 15-minute increments and build up from there until you reach two hours.

Tip 3 - Add one element to your morning or evening routine that encourages your writing habit.

Do you leave a notebook and pen on your bedside table for early writing sessions? "But one’s daily routine is also a choice, or a whole series of choices. In the right hands, it can be a finely calibrated mechanism for taking advantage of a range of limited resources: time (the most limited resource of all) as well as willpower, self- discipline, optimism." Mason Currey sounds the call and provides plenty of inspiration in Daily Rituals. 

The novelist, literary critic, playwright, and screenwriter Jean-Paul Sartre is featured in Daily Rituals with his quote, "One can be very fertile without having to work too much. Three hours in the morning. Three hours in the evening. That is my only rule."

Take a cue from one of the literary giants and give yourself gentle boundaries around building your writing habit.

Recommended Reading


Mason Currey's Daily Rituals: How Artists Work is one of my favorites to reread. It has great ideas for morning routines, evening routines, and creative ways to find spots where you can work.

My favorite part is flipping between the types of creatives to find the person who resonates with what I'm looking for at that moment in time.

What's Chrissy up to online?

  • This month I appeared in CanvasRebel talking about how I named my company.

PS - Want to work together? You made my day! Here's a few ways we can make that happen:

>>Do you have a great idea for a nonfiction book, but have other priorities that require your attention? I serve one or two ghostwriting clients a year. My next opening is in January 2024.

>>Have you started writing your nonfiction book and hit a creative wall? Email me to schedule a book coaching session to get you unstuck!

>>Finished your manuscript and need a professional pair of eyes to read through before you publish? Hire me as your copy editor or proofreader. Learn more about the different editing types here.

If you enjoyed this issue of Write Now with Chrissy, please send your friends to https://sendfox.com/yourinvisiblewriter.
