Wellbeing Elixir: Breaks, Holidays, and Sabbaths
Nov 30, 2021 7:31 pm
Good Morning and Happy Tuesday, !
Every few weeks we post something in the Wellbeing Elixir community that we believe can help you live a vibrant, happy life. If you haven't done so already, please be sure to join the Wellbeing Elixir community so that you have access to our essay archives and meditations. As a community member, you can engage with other like-minded members. You'll get the Wellbeing Elixir Aliquot* eBook for free.
Breaks, Holidays, and Sabbaths
Work has invaded nearly every aspect of our lives. Over the winter holidays, it's a good time to reflect on the importance of breaks, holidays, and sabbaths.
Our lives have several "domains." I think of these as the big buckets that add meaning and satisfaction. These buckets generally include intimacy/marriage, family, friendship, community, spirituality, health, material wellbeing, and work. If you are like me, the work bucket takes up a lot of my time and attention. Don't get me wrong, I love my work but I often feel that the other buckets in my life aren't getting enough. I'm certain many of you feel the same.
Well-being Boost 2022 - June 15-19th
Save the date! Join us for the first annual Well-being Boost Retreat in Santa Fe, New Mexico from June 15 - 19th, 2022 ... featuring daily yoga flows, meditations, arts & cultural experiences, hiking, and more! This is a fantastic opportunity to get-away and join friends (old and new) to socialize and engage in well-being boosting strategies that you can use every day. The retreat activities are planned and conducted by Marci Williams and Seena Haines. Interested? Send Seena an email: seena@wellbeingelixir.org
The wisdom of the Stoics from ancient Greece and Rome continues to provide us with important life lessons today. Life is full of trials and tribulations. The "good life" is determined by our response to what fortune has given us and how well we face our challenges. Consider reading blog essays by Ryan Holiday and subscribing to the Daily Stoic to get quick insights (like the one below) regarding Stoic philosophy.
Making Work🔨a Work of Art 🎨
Much of our identity and self-worth are tied to our work. Work has moved beyond something we have to do, to something that defines us as individuals. Thus, finding joy and meaning in our work is critically important to our well-being. READ MORE>>
We have a series of guided meditations available for our members. These 10- and 15-minute meditations can help re-center your thinking and bring a greater sense of clarity to life. LISTEN AND DOWNLOAD>>
Health & Wellness Coaching
Well-being is more than your physical health. It is about living a full, vibrant, and happy life. Well-being is fueling your body, engaging your mind, and nurturing your spirit. You can’t get there passively — it requires active awareness, acceptance, and commitment through the choices you make every day. This is where coaching can be helpful.
Health and wellness coaching is a great option for people who are searching for a safe and supportive space to enhance their sense of wellbeing. As a certified Health and Wellness Coach, Seena can help you identify your values and strengths, set meaningful wellness goals, and develop a plan for action. Health and Wellness Coaches are also trained to provide follow-up support and encouragement. Learn more about our Coaching Services >>.
Seena & Stuart
Seena and Stuart Haines
Yoga Apothecary LLC
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