Wellbeing Elixir: Going on a Digital Diet

Mar 08, 2022 11:01 pm


Good Afternooon and Happy Tuesday, !

Every few weeks we post something in the Wellbeing Elixir community that we believe can help you live a vibrant, happy life. If you haven't done so already, please be sure to join the Wellbeing Elixir community so that you have access to our essay archives and meditations. As a community member, you can engage with other like-minded members. You'll get the Wellbeing Elixir Aliquot eBook for free.


In this week's Wellbeing Elixir post, Stuart writes about why we need to be more intentional about how we consume digital content.

Going on a Digital Diet

A digital diet is a metaphor that I think is particularly apt for our times. Our diet is a quantitative and qualitative description of the food we consume. Not only what we consume, but how much and how often. Consuming digital content and using digital devices isn’t inherently good or bad. But like food, indiscriminate and mindless consumption of poor quality, highly processed, and empty calorie digital content isn’t adding value to our lives. When it’s not making you healthy, wealthy, or wise, it’s time to consider a digital diet.



Well-being Boost 2022 - June 15-19th

Save the date! Join us for the first annual Well-being Boost Retreat in Santa Fe, New Mexico from June 15 - 19th, 2022 ... featuring daily yoga flows, meditations, arts & cultural experiences, hiking, and more! This is a fantastic opportunity to get-away and join friends (old and new) to socialize and engage in well-being boosting strategies that you can use every day. The retreat activities are planned and conducted by Marci Williams and Seena Haines. Interested? Send Seena an email: seena@wellbeingelixir.org




I love this letter by William Edward Burghardt (W.E.B) Du Bois - writing to his daughter, Yolande, who was in boarding school in England. His words of wisdom speak to the essential and universal ingredients for wellbeing.  


Dear Little Daughter:

I have waited for you to get well settled before writing. By this time I hope some of the strangeness has worn off and that my little girl is working hard and regularly.

Above all remember, dear, that you have a great opportunity. You are in one of the world’s best schools, in one of the world’s greatest modern empires. Millions of boys and girls all over this world would give almost anything they possess to be where you are. You are there by no desert or merit of yours, but only by lucky chance.

Deserve it, then. Study, do your work. Be honest, frank and fearless and get some grasp of the real values of life. You will meet, of course, curious little annoyances. People will wonder at your dear brown and the sweet crinkley hair. But that simply is of no importance and will soon be forgotten. Remember that most folk laugh at anything unusual, whether it is beautiful, fine or not. You, however, must not laugh at yourself. You must know that brown is as pretty as white or prettier and crinkley hair as straight even though it is harder to comb. The main thing is the YOU beneath the clothes and skin — the ability to do, the will to conquer, the determination to understand and know this great, wonderful, curious world. Don’t shrink from new experiences and custom. Take the cold bath bravely. Enter into the spirit of your big bed-room. Enjoy what is and not pine for what is not. Read some good, heavy, serious books just for discipline: Take yourself in hand and master yourself. Make yourself do unpleasant things, so as to gain the upper hand of your soul.

Above all remember: your father loves you and believes in you and expects you to be a wonderful woman.

I shall write each week and expect a weekly letter from you.

Lovingly yours,


Du Bois was the first African American to earn a doctorate degree from Harvard University (in 1895) and was a prominent figure in the early civil rights movement with the formation of the NAACP in 1909. 



Becoming Your Best Self 🌅

As I get older, I periodically think about whether I’m living up to my full potential – becoming my best self. Is it something to be achieved? Is there some “endpoint” when you know you’ve arrived? In Buddhism, this transcendent state is called Nirvana. Paradoxically, if one strives to achieve Nirvana, it becomes more elusive. So, perhaps our best self is not something that is achieved but rather practiced every day.  READ MORE>>



We have a series of guided meditations available for our members. These 10- and 15-minute meditations can help re-center your thinking and bring a greater sense of clarity to life. LISTEN AND DOWNLOAD>>


Health & Wellness Coaching

Well-being is more than your physical health. It is about living a full, vibrant, and happy life. Well-being is fueling your body, engaging your mind, and nurturing your spirit. You can’t get there passively — it requires active awareness, acceptance, and commitment through the choices you make every day. This is where coaching can be helpful.

Health and wellness coaching is a great option for people who are searching for a safe and supportive space to enhance their sense of wellbeing. As a certified Health and Wellness Coach, Seena can help you identify your values and strengths, set meaningful wellness goals, and develop a plan for action. Health and Wellness Coaches are also trained to provide follow-up support and encouragement. Learn more about our Coaching Services >>.


Seena & Stuart



Seena and Stuart Haines

Yoga Apothecary LLC

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