Wellbeing Elixir: Sleep - An Overlooked Ingredient for Well-Belling

Oct 27, 2021 2:21 am


Good Afternoon and Happy Tuesday, !

A couple of times each month we post something in the Wellbeing Elixir community that will help you live a vibrant, happy life. If you are a Wellbeing Elixir community member, you can post something in the Open Forum!

Our Tendencies Toward Internal and External Expectations

Do you wake up in the morning and think to yourself:

What’s on the schedule today? What are the priorities and tasks I need to get done?

If so, then you may be an UPHOLDER.... like me! An Upholder? “What on earth is that?”  >>READ MORE

A Poem 

How to Live With My Body by John Roedel

I recently discovered this lovely poem about living in the moment. It's a wonderful metaphor about our lives and how we are often pulled between our head (reasoning and thinking) and our heart (emotions and feelings).


Resilience Rounds

Tuesday, November 16th @ 6:30-7:30pm ET (5:30-6:30pm CT)

During our next Resilience Rounds session, we'll be talking about the power of rituals and how they prepare us to take on challenges and face uncertainty. To prepare for this session, please listen to the audio file at the top of this lesson - the Happiness Lab podcast episode: Boldly Go Like Yuri Gagarin.  Join us!  >>LEARN MORE

Spread the Love

If you like our content, please forward this email and encourage your friends and colleagues to join the Wellbeing Elixir Community. Membership is free and we offer a variety of content. We rely on word-of-mouth to grow. People who join the Wellbeing Elixir Community get the Wellbeing Elixir Aliquot* eBook for free as well as access to yoga videos and guided meditations.

Food for Thought

From James Clear's 3-2-1 Newsletter. Each message includes 3 ideas from James Clear, 2 quotes from others, and 1 question for you to ponder.


From the Archives: 

Growing from Hardships, Setbacks, and Loss

I’m awed by people who have faced what seem like insurmountable challenges and, despite it all, grow into someone with an unshakeable core, deep convictions, and high purpose. Perhaps it’s not in spite of the adversity but rather because of the adversity that such growth was made possible. READ MORE>>


If you like our content, please join the Wellbeing Elixir Community. Membership is free and we offer a variety of content. People who join the Wellbeing Elixir Community get the Wellbeing Elixir Aliquot* eBook for free as well as access to yoga flows and guided meditations.

Guided Meditations


We have series of guided meditations available for our members. These 10- and 15-minute meditations can help re-center your thinking and bring a greater sense of clarity to life. LISTEN AND DOWNLOAD>>

Health & Wellness Coaching

Well-being is more than your physical health. It is about living a full, vibrant, and happy life. Well-being is fueling your body, engaging your mind, and nurturing your spirit. You can’t get there passively — it requires active awareness, acceptance, and commitment through the choices you make every day. This is where coaching can be helpful.

Health and wellness coaching is a great option for people who are searching for a safe and supportive space to enhance their sense of wellbeing. As a certified Health and Wellness Coach, Seena can help you identify your values and strengths, set meaningful wellness goals, and develop a plan for action. Health and Wellness Coaches are also trained to provide follow-up support and encouragement. Learn more about our Coaching Services >>.


Seena & Stuart



Seena and Stuart Haines

Yoga Apothecary LLC

Join the Wellbeing Elixir Community
