Why do Danish people wave when they ride their bike?

May 21, 2021 1:01 pm


This week we have a slightly different type of episode for you...

We're testing out a new format to have as well as our normal "deep dive" episodes: short interviews with people adapting to life in Denmark.

These interviews, we feel, are a great way to learn practical advice from others adapting to Denmark, but also to get fresh perspectives on things that seem peculiar to outsiders.

You can listen now via Apple Podcasts, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

Meet Esther

Esther is originally from The Netherlands, and moved to Denmark in 2019. She and Sam met at Danish class when they both first moved to the country.

Esther and Sam talk about a variety of different topics in the episode, including:

  • Similarities between The Netherlands and Denmark (size; old monarchy)
  • Differences (approach to biking; the fact there is LESS rain in Denmark)
  • Advice for people new to Denmark

as well as a chat about liquorice.

We'd love to get any feedback on what you think about the episode - so please be in touch if you have any thoughts!

Behind the scenes

For those who enjoy geeking out on how podcasts are made, here's a brief outline of how we made this week's show:

  1. Prepare some questions for the guest
  2. Record the interview [~40 minutes]
  3. Select the best bits and write a commentary script that connects them
  4. Sam records the commentary in the studio
  5. Mix together interview snippets, commentary and other music/ contextual audio

The end result is that rather than a ~40 minute interview that meanders a lot, you get a ~10 minute episode that (we hope) is packed full of insights and enjoyable to listen to!

Join our team?

Does the behind the scenes stuff sound interesting to you?

We're hiring for a number of positions where we can give people experience in making podcasts if you (or someone you know) would like to join our team. You can head to this link to see the open job positions.

Sponsor the show?

We're continuing our conversations with organisations interested in collaborating on some episodes we have in the pipeline (e.g. Lego talking about the role of play in childhood).

If you/ your organisation might be interested in having a conversation too then just reply to this email :)

Thanks as always for your support so far - it's been a great start to show and we hope to continue it in the coming months. Any questions/ comments/ feedback - just hit reply!

Happy Friday,


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