Wise Owl Wednesday #36 - Sweat The Small Stuff

Sep 30, 2020 5:48 pm

Happy Wednesday, Wise Owl Nation!

Have you ever heard the phrase "don't sweat the small stuff"?

It's meant to remind people not to worry about things that don't matter.

This week I am going to give you permission to sweat the small stuff.

In fact this week we are going to purposefully sweat the small stuff.

Sometimes the small stuff can build and build until it makes a massive difference.

Sometimes all you have to do is sweat the small stuff and the rest will take care of itself.

Let's get into it.

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The Wise Sweat The Small Stuff too:

What I mean by this is that our lives are made up of small decisions every day.

  • Do I wake up early or hit the snooze button?
  • Do I put gas in my car tonight, or do I wait until I am in a rush tomorrow?
  • Do I want to argue about this problem? Is it worth it to me?

Traditionally "sweating the small stuff" meant worrying about the non-important things in life, which is a total waste of energy.

The problem here is that it is so easy to get into the bad habit of making the choice to take the path of least resistant.

Enough rain drops can create a lake. Tiny cracks in a windshield can end up destroying the windshield, given enough time.

So this week I want you to think about what little things you are ignoring. What are you procrastinating that, if you took care of it, your mind could be more at peace?

In fact, the more you sweat the small stuff, the easier it will get to make the right choices for you life.

How awesome would it be if the right decisions were the easiest ones?

How The Healthy Sweat The Small Stuff

In many ways, your healthy can be determined by the things you don't do.

  • You didn't eat fast food
  • You didn't jump off that bridge and break your ankle
  • You didn't skip your morning walk for the 20th time

Every day you make small decisions about your health. If you make enough small bad decisions in a row and your health starts to fail.

Enough small, good decision and your health starts to skyrocket.

The more you sweat the small decisions regarding your health, the better your overall life will be.

Sweat that extra hour of sleep.

Sweat that healthy meal instead of the fast food.

Literally sweat the 30-minute walk instead of whatever else you would have done.

Sweat the small stuff so you can live longer.

How The Wealthy Sweat The Small Stuff

You aren't rich if you earn one-million-dollars. You're only rich if you keep that million dollars.

So how do you keep your money? You don't spend it as often! Wealth then, can be determined by the series of small decisions you make every single day.

Your wealth is determined by the stuff you don't buy.

In addition to sweating the small purchases you make every month, wealthy people sweat other small things too. Like consistently paying themselves first.

Again, the four ways to build wealth are:

  • buy fewer things
  • earn more money
  • pay-off debt
  • invest

Paying yourself first falls into the 4th category of investing. You pay yourself first so the money is no longer in your bank account and is instead in a savings account or is invested somewhere that is not easy to withdraw from.

What if, every time you chose not to buy something, you instead chose to send that exact amount to your savings account?

Oh, you didn't buy those $200 shoes? Send that $200 to your savings account!

You skipped Starbucks this morning? Buy $7 in Bitcoin instead.

Sweat the small purchases and eventually you'll be wealthy enough that you'll never have to sweat the small purchases again.

Quote of the week:


More Resources

I will be adding to this section over time as we find resources that will help you all.
