Welcome to Day 4 of WIC’s Get Introduced Challenge! 📢
Oct 10, 2021 6:01 pm
Hello !
Welcome to Day 4 of Women in Cloud’s Get Introduced Challenge!
As we all know, network growth is the key to creating a well-rounded and well-established community.
So, let’s dive a little deeper on the power of networking. For the first task of the day, watch this TEDtalk with Theresa Reaume on Networking for Success. 👭
Now that you know the importance of networking, it's time to learn HOW to do it. Check out Patti D.’s video to learn the top 3 ways to grow your network through the WIC community.
👇👇Click Below to Watch The Video 👇👇
Here's a quick overview of Patti's video...The three ways to expand your network are:
1️⃣ Attend WIC Signature Events
2️⃣⃣ Request Warm Introductions on the Get Introduced Platform
3️⃣ Join the WIC Digital Network to connect with people around you
That's it for today!
Make sure to share the completion of these tasks via LinkedIn and tag Women in Cloud to enter to win prizes.
Congratulations on a day of growth!
We will see you tomorrow for Day 5 of the Get Introduced Challenge!
Sammy and the entire Women in Cloud Team! 💥