An UNIQUE opportunity: Join WIC’s Lunch & Learn with Microsoft & Salesforce!

Apr 08, 2022 7:01 pm

Hi there ,

As you may know, we’re on a mission to get every woman to be a leader. We want them to learn about ESG's environmental, social, and government practices. And for that reason, we’re bringing Microsoft and Salesforce to the upcoming #Fortune100 Lunch and Learn Series to share opportunities with us so we all can build million-dollar companies. Take action if you are ready.


ANNOUNCING WICxLEAD. The Next Generation Corporate ESG Women’s Leadership Accelerator

Does your organization have a corporate ESG-driven leadership program that empowers women leaders and entrepreneurs to ignite economic access within the enterprise ecosystem while building sustainable practices across their business units? Learn & Apply Today

#CorporateWomen & Allies at Work

Listen:  Accenture CXO Panel Innovating with Data: A Conversation With Executive Women Driving Transformation

This industry has suffered incredible changes over the last five years thanks to implementing these technologies. IA and data engineering have allowed companies to optimize research processes and develop new products. Take some time to watch the CXO Power Panel with Accenture to hear and learn from executive women about transforming businesses through the scaled use of Data.


👇 Click here to watch the video 👇


The Equal Pay Act requires that men and women in the same workplace receive equal pay for equal work. Although the jobs don’t need to be identical, they must be substantially equal. Job content (not job titles) determines whether positions are substantially equal.

A Proclamation on National Equal Pay Day, 2022

Introducing the Annual Corporate Pass

You're a CEO or senior executive on a mission to build an amazing business.

But you can't do it alone. And you know it's hard out there to find and retain top talent, especially if your company is committed to diverse hiring practices.

So why not make the most of the resources available to you?

With the partnership with Women In Cloud, you'll have access to 5 tickets for all of WIC's signature events, plus 5 additional Annual Access Passes for designated employees from your company—giving them infinite professional development opportunities. You'll be able to amplify and promote your brand within the tech industry, and get employees showcased in the cloud leadership circle.

In short, having this pass will help you accelerate diverse recruitment efforts, be seen in the industry, engage employees in an economic access movement, save money, and accelerate your corporate ESG efforts.

All this can be yours with a simple click! Sign up today.


Contact Erin Northern to learn how to engage your organization to be part of the WIC movement.


Chaitra at Women in Cloud
