Productivity for messy people

Oct 16, 2021 3:30 pm

Hello, fellow thinker!

Samuele here.

I have to say: if you're a super-productive person this issue isn't really for you.

I've no idea how some people plan every minute of their day in advance.

Do they use special apps? Are they aliens?

I tried everything, and still the unplanned dominates my life. 

So this issue isn’t for those super-organized people. It’s for the rest of us. The messy ones.

We can be productive, too.

This is my super simple approach. I'm sure you can replicate it.

Instead of planning every second, I define 1 daily priority.

How to choose it? I go for the maximum pain. 

I pick as my daily priority the task that, if uncompleted, will haunt my sleep more than anything else.

With just one daily goal, your productivity will skyrocket fast.

Maintaining your focus will be easy. And you will complete at least that particular task.

Whatever comes at you during the day, you will be able to manage it. And you will still have time for your priority.

After a while with this method you will have the temptation to expand your focus. Why not have 2 daily priorities?

3 reasons:

  • it creates unnecessary pressure,
  • 2 priorities soon become "no priority",
  • it complicates the whole process. Not good for messy people, like me.

Do you have extra time?

Great, do extra stuff. No need to expand your daily goal.

So how to plan for your 1 daily priority?

Get a To-Do app. A basic one. I use Apple Reminders.

Write down all your to-dos in it. Take note of them, as soon as possibile. Give them a hypothetic schedule.

Then, once a week, define the priorities for every following day and flag those tasks in the app.

Easy? Yes.

That's why it works.

And you will end up doing more, and feeling better about your progress.

Do you use any other solution to boost your productivity?

In case I'm very curious. Do let me know.

Thanks for reading this issue of We Who Think.

Talk to you soon,


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