Weird Horror is funded for next year!! I repeat — funded for next year! Thank you all so very, very much. I'm filled with gratitude and love. You can still help out here:
You can grab a digital subscription of Weird Horror from our friends [contains quote post or other embedded content]
Grab a copy here: [contains quote post or other embedded content]
I'd be remiss to not mention we published's first (standout) collection, and have a $4 eBook if you're looking for a great weekend read. [contains quo...
We'll be at the World Fantasy Convention in beautiful Niagara Falls, NY Oct. 17 - 20, in the Dealers' Room. Come say 'Hi!' Maybe buy a book.
What's this? I hear you like short story collections?
A thumbs-up for 'Abigail,' a thumbs-down for "Immaculate." [contains quote post or other embedded content]
Join us in 3 weeks at the launch of Northern Nights What a line-up! [contains quote post or other embedded content]
Horror movie night! Maybe a double-bill of "Immaculate," and "Abigail." If I don't fall asleep. There's always a good chance of that.
Fan mail. "Just having finished Weird Horror #8, I must say that it is among my favorites, if not the best one to see print. The closing story, “The Haunting House,” by David Ebenbach is a pitch-perfect closer to a nearly perfect grouping of stories...