Monday is Canada Day! Get our Canadian-authored eBooks for just $1 each! Get them all for $7, or grab the ones you don't have cheap. Look at that line-up! Easy, direct, and immediate delivery to your inbox, via a download link, as soon as you place... [contains quote post or other embedded content]
Sometimes you only ever hear about a newish press is when things go sideways. Anyway, here are some reputable presses that deserve attention. Black Shuck Books, Dim Shores, Fairwood Press, Invisible Books, Lethe Press, Neon Hemlock, Swan River, Valan...
Lovely to see 's story get a mention here from , among other fab stories. You can read "Mother's Milk" here: [contains quote post or other embedded content]
Congratulations to all the Locus Awards winners and finalists!
The other day I was asked over email about our editorial position on Ai. Figured I'd share my response here.
Keep opening this story I'm working on, deleting paragraphs, and closing the file. That's how you do it, right?