65% funded! Thank you! Please share, and, if able, consider contributing. Cheers! crowdfundr.com/weirdhorror https://crowdfundr.com/weirdhorror
I have a proper eReader now. What is this madness? Will it curb my appetite for physical books? Or will I simply amass a large digital TBR pile?
Thrilled to announce a story sale! "One Will Grow to Eat the Other" will appear in Nightmare Abbey #7, this December. Yes, the story is as cheery as the title suggests.
Woo-hoo! There's a very brief, but lovely, mention of Northern Nights in the Washington Post. "Not-to-be-missed!" https://www.washingtonpost.com/books/2024/08/08/weird-fiction-lovecraft-necronomicon/
My story "Dead But Dreaming Still" is reprinted in Shadowed Realms: The 2022 Indie Dark Fiction Anthology. bit.ly/46EmFZG https://bit.ly/46EmFZG
Oh, we're halfway there... In just over 24 hours!! Thank you all so very much for your contributions, for spreading the word, and for your encouragement and good wishes! Let's bring it home! crowdfundr.com/weirdhorror
As I write this Uncanny, and Apex are conducting their annual crowdfunding drives. Weird Horror magazine has never crowdfunded before. In the past, we'd simply use revenue from our book-publishing activities to help fund the magazine. We now need y...
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