Transform Your Social Media: Get Clients, Not Just Followers.

Jul 25, 2024 6:48 pm

Hey ,

Last week, I met with a personal trainer...let's just call her Cindy.

She booked a 60-minute consultation and a social media audit package because she was frustrated with her lack of results on Instagram and TikTok.

She felt like she was getting nowhere and really just wanted to quit.

Cindy was spending a lot of time and effort creating content, recording her workouts, commenting on posts, and trying to grow her social media accounts.

She wanted more followers, more engagement, and more clients.

As we walked through her social media accounts, I immediately saw some issues.

She was making the mistake many personal trainers and other fitness pros make—her account and content were mostly about her.

Every post, every story was just about her workouts, what she ate, etc. You get the point.


Fitness Enthusiast Content:

  • Videos working out
  • Photos of their body
  • Photos at the gym
  • Photos of their food
  • Motivational quotes

Fitness Professional Content:

  • Exercise instruction
  • Solving problems, coaching, and teaching
  • Showcasing client results/testimonials
  • Promoting services and programs
  • Clear target audience

We then moved on to her marketing systems and strategies.

🧐Social media is a community-building platform, but the [conversions...aka money] or sale is made offline. 💰

Cindy had nothing set up.

She was just posting and hoping clients would come to her.

She does have a decent following but followers are just vanity metrics.

The # of followers you have doesn't = sales.

She was lacking strategy and systems to convert followers into clients and not positioning herself and her business as the expert that she is.

After we discussed her social media audit in depth, she had an ahhh moment. 💡. She saw the light and knew what she needed to do.

She immediately signed up for a website and consulting package before we ended our call.

Now she's excited, sees opportunities, and feels confident in having a clear strategy and the tools to help her succeed.

Before, she was just spinning her wheels, hoping something would work.

Now if you're currently making the same mistakes that Cindy was making and feeling like you're ready to give up but you want to move your business in the right direction, take action.

Let's set up a strategy call.

Social Media Audit and Strategy: Understand what’s working and what’s not, and get a tailored strategy to optimize your social media presence and marketing efforts.

Click here to move one step closer to your goals.

Why Book a Strategy Call and Audit Session

  • Unlock Hidden Opportunities: Discover what's holding back your social media success and how to fix it.
  • Boost Professional Image: Transform your content to position yourself as a fitness expert.
  • Save Time: Get a clear, efficient marketing plan tailored to your business.
  • Drive More Sales: Convert followers into paying clients with targeted strategies.

Let's work together to enhance your online presence, attract more clients, and grow your business.

Click here to set up your 60 min session now!


Rosa I Evans

Founder, Tridyn Creative Media | Listed Fitness

P.S. It's been a week since I met with her and I just received a follow up. Cindy's already seeing positive changes! Let's get you there too.
