Why Your Competitors Are Ditching Old-School Business Cards

May 03, 2024 9:33 pm


Imagine this: You’re at a crucial industry networking event.

It’s the end of a long day, you’ve met dozens of potential clients, and you feel confident about the connections you've made.

But here's the twist—instead of relying on traditional business cards, which often get lost or forgotten, you've gone digital.

Here’s a quick story:

Sarah, a top sales professional in our network, decided to switch to digital business cards last quarter.

At her first event with the new cards, she noticed something different.

People weren’t just taking her card; they were engaging with her details immediately—saving her info right onto their phones.

The Impact:

Fast forward to today, Sarah has seen a 30% increase in her follow-up call rate. Why?

Her contacts actually remember her because her digital card made it into their phones and stayed there.

No more lost cards, no searching through pockets or piles back at the office.

Why This Matters:

If you've ever wondered whether those stacks of business cards ever turn into real business, digital might be your answer. It's not just about being remembered; it's about being impossible to forget.

Ready to get started?

Create your first digital business card today and experience a new level of networking efficiency. Create your card now.

Looking forward to helping you stay at the forefront of your industry’s networking game.

Best regards,


Tridyn Creative
