Don't Let Poor Sound Ruin Your Content: My Lesson Learned

Jul 23, 2024 4:52 pm

Hey ,

Ever had a great video ruined by poor sound quality?

I’ve been there.

When I first started creating content, I thought visuals were everything.

I quickly learned that people will forgive less-than-ideal video quality, but they quickly move away from poor sound.

One day, I was recording an interview with two trainers at the gym.

We spent hours taking photos and recording sound bites and the interview.

But when I played it back, all I could hear was weights clanging, people chatting, and the gym’s music.

The audio was horrible.


Without a proper mic and relying only on the camera’s built-in mic, the only usable content was the photographs.

It was a costly mistake.

Why Sound Quality Matters

Poor sound quality can ruin even the best content. Your message gets lost, and viewers quickly lose interest.

Simple Tips for Better Sound

Improving sound quality doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some simple tips that made a huge difference for me:

  1. Use a Quality Microphone Invest in a good microphone. Lavalier mics or shotgun mics can make a big difference even in a noisy gym.
  2. Choose a Quiet Time Record during off-peak hours when the gym is less busy to minimize background noise.
  3. Monitor Your Audio Always do a sound check before recording. Listen through headphones to catch any issues early.
  4. Minimize Background Noise Position yourself and your subjects away from noisy equipment or areas.
  5. Edit Your Audio Use software like Audacity or WavePad to clean up your audio and reduce noise.

The Difference It Makes

By focusing on sound quality, my content became more professional and engaging.

Viewers stayed longer and engaged more because they could hear everything clearly.

Let’s Make Your Content Shine

Great sound quality can make a huge difference in your content.

Don't make the same mistakes I did.

Follow these tips and see the improvement for yourself.

Need more help with your content?

At Tridyn Creative Media, we specialize in helping fitness pros create top-notch content that stands out.

Let’s make your message heard loud and clear.


Rosa I. Evans

Founder, Tridyn Creative Media | Listed Fitness

P.S. Got questions? Hit reply! Always happy to help.

P.S.S. Here's an inexpensive lavalier mic available on Amazon.

