"But which skills ACTUALLY transfer?" If you are a teacher who is considering starting a business, or already has the answer is SO MANY. On this episode of Teachers in Business I'm going to take you through the skills that I know - as someone who is...
No one likes a diet. But this one? It's not what you think it is. It's not about less food - it's about less DRAMA and noise in your head. And I think THAT is the only kind of diet that's worthwhile in 2022. On this episode of Teachers in Business I'...
I don't have enough time', 'I'm working against the clock', "I don't know where all my time GOES'...thought any of these lately?You're not alone.These are the MOST common thoughts about time I hear from my clients, my FB group members, my friends, my...
One of the things I hear from clients all the time is ‘well, I’m new in business, I don’t know what to do’. They’re walking around with what I think of as ‘newbie’ energy - but it’s like a costume they’re wearing over their expertise. Today on the po...
Do you usually pick a word of the year? If you do (or even if you don't) I'd like to propose something different for the new year to come. Instead of just one word, I'd like to propose that you pick at least 2, and maybe 3 -5...like a grab bag of goo...
This is the time of year we all starting to shift into 2022 planning mode. As you do this, there are 4 words (and all of their iterations) that would be SUPER helpful to DITCH. On this episode of the podcast I'll share these 4 words, why they are not...
If you are a teacher-turned-entrepreneur and you aren't making money in your business right now, let's talk about exactly what's going wrong. In this episode of the podcast, I'm going to share why people aren't responding to your offers, the BIG mist...
When I mention 'evaluation' people cringe.The word comes with SO much baggage - evaluation feels like a lot of work, like something we SHOULD do, and like something that will NOT be fun.As teachers, we KNOW the power of evaluation, but in business it...
Signing a new client this week IS possible (it's even possible TODAY). And here's the best part - you don't need to do MORE to sign a client this week. The simplest way to sign a client this week is 3 steps. On this episode of TIB I'll share these th...
If you are a teacher, or you are plugged into the education world in any way, you know there is a BIG conversation going on right now about TRANSITIONING out of teaching. For a whole host of reasons there are more teachers than ever thinking about le...