I promise not to ask about your word of 2023

Jan 03, 2023 6:43 pm

Hey hey, , :)

Welcome to 2023.

The first week in January is always filled with posts, emails, and videos about intentions, goals, words of the year, all the things.

Which is great.

If that's what you're feeling today.

And if not?

I want you to know that's more than okay too.

You don't have a plan right now. You don't have to pick a word or 3. You don't have to set an intention. You start anything over.

January 1st is a convenient time to reset - and also just a date on a calendar.

You get to decide what it means to you, and if you want it to mean anything at all.

So, instead of asking you for your word of 2023 (because really, if I get one more email asking about mine I may have to do something rash...), I'm going to share 2 things I think might be helpful this week...

1. New thoughts are like new clothes... we try them on and see if they fit.

Here are 5 of my current favorites that you might want to try on, maybe one or more of them might fit you too...

  • I always figure it out.
  • I am a conduit for growth in others.
  • I am right on time (I can’t be late for my own life and success).
  • I am ready for and open to what’s next.
  • As I grow, money grows alongside me; the more I grow the more money I create through my growth.  

2. Asking ourselves good questions is how we speed up growth as business owners and as humans, period.

Here are 3 that I've asked people (or me...) so far this week that might also be questions that will help you:

  • What if the alternative to feeling ‘not enough’ is being willing to feel like you’re too much? What would it look like for you to try this out in your business?
  • How could it be true that the growth you're ABOUT to have will be the easiest growth you've EVER had?
  • What would it look like to be 10% more YOU in your business, and 10% less like you think you 'should' be?

And if you're looking for 2023 to be the year you succeed MORE without also working MORE, stressing MORE, fighting MORE, or making things MORE complicated?

Come hang out in my FB group, listen to the UNcomplicating Business Podcast, and/or get coached.


Promise :)



PS. Small group coaching is magic - it's the best possible combination of collaboration, community AND getting exactly the growth YOU need to succeed YOUR way that you're going to experience.

If you are ready for group coaching now is the time to talk about it - the next round starts in early February. Book a time here to talk about your spot, or just hit reply and tell me you're IN.
