If you're having all the Friday feels
May 20, 2022 5:11 pm
Dear ,
If you are having all the Friday feels, I see you.
Sometimes I wake up on Fridays and think 'YES, we've made it, let's GO!', and sometimes, like today, I wake up and think 'Nope.'
For days like this, there are a few things that I know that help me get up, get moving, and get things (anything) accomplished.
First, I don't have to be 100% ON 100% of the time to be successful, and neither do you.
If I'm on my game even 51% of the time (which has already happened this week), then all is well and right in the world. The same is likely true for you - I bet you're already over 51% on the ball, so you're a success!
Second, overwhelmed, stressed, and rushed are all optional feelings. They're like the candy at the grocery store check out - tempting, but I don't have to buy them. I can choose to leave them on the shelf.
These feelings are all driven by how I'm thinking, and when I remember I don't have to choose them, it almost always brings a sense of relief, of control, and of options that's available to you too.
Third, not everything my brain is saying MUST BE DONE RIGHT NOW actually needs to be done right now.
I know what's important and what's not for the growth of my business, and I can cull the list to match my energy accordingly (you can too!).
And 99 times out of 100?
These three things are enough for me to shake my 'nope' off enough to step back into my day and get where I want to go.
For you, what are the things that you KNOW help you to shake off your 'nope' feeling? (You have them, you just might not have noticed yet!).
And if you're not sure what yours are? You can try on mine - if they fit, super, and if they're a little like pants that fit well but are too long, feel free to adjust them to suit!
Happy (ish?! :)) Friday!
PS. In one of my Charting Business Success groups today a client referred to me as the 'help-you-get-your-head-out-of-your-ass' coach.
It's not exactly how I normally describe myself, but as she said, 'if the shoe fits...'
If the kind of coach I am is the kind of coach you need, it's time to talk (and as much as I would like it to be so, waiting isn't helping you grow).
Right now we can talk about 1:1 coaching for 6 months or about a spot in the next round of Charting Business Success.
Either way, if your head is stuck somewhere you'd rather it not be anymore, it's time to do something about it.
Hit reply and say 'I'm ready to chat about coaching', or book a time to talk here.