One of the sneakiest energy stealers...

Aug 11, 2021 8:24 pm

Hey ,

I was talking to a client early this week.

She said 'I'm just SO tired, Sara. I'm so tired all the time.'

As we talked about what was happening in her life and business, I noticed that she was contending with one of the SNEAKIEST energy stealers...

It was slowing her business down, and making ALL the things feel HARD, complicated, and muddy.

It was stealing her sleep, and leading her to feel run down, ever-more tired, and frustrated.

And it was undercutting her confidence. Feeling like crap was making her question EVERYTHING.


So, what exactly was the problem? What was stealing SO much of her mental and physical energy?



My client had a handful of important decision to make and was sitting on them.

We ALL do this - it's totally normal.

She wasn't doing anything wrong - she was just being a human.

As humans, we have LOTS of things we tell ourselves about how we 'should' make decisions. Especially BIG, important decisions.

We tell ourselves we need time to think.

We tell ourselves we want to wait until the right time, until we feel ready, until we've done ALL the research, until we know more.

We feel like if we decide right away we're doing something wrong.

So we sit in INDECISION.

And wait.

And stress.

And question.

And lose sleep. We lost CONFIDENCE.

And then we feel WORSE. So we think we can't decide NOW because now we feel terrible. And on and on and on it goes.

Just yuck.


There is good news.

The good news is that indecision is SUPER easy to change.

All you do to change it is DECIDE.

And wait, I can hear you - you're thinking 'it's not that simple Sara. If it was that simple I WOULD have decided already.'

But actually, truly, it IS.

Here's exactly what you do.

  1. Ask yourself: What decisions are going unmade right now? (Or, what decisions do I need to make that I haven't?)
  2. List the decisions (my client on Monday had 4).
  3. For each one that you need to make, list you 2-3 options.
  4. And then PICK ONE.

My client had 4 decisions to make this week. And before we got off the call she made ALL of them.

In less than 15 minutes.


She had worried for weeks, and in just 1/4 of our call, we cleared them ALL off her internal worry-board.

Because here's the thing.

She'd been thinking about most of them for SO long that she really did know what she wanted to do - she just needed to actually MAKE the decision and move forward.

Most of the time, for most of us, we already KNOW what we want to do. It's really more a matter of getting up the courage to ACTUALLY decide and move forward.

I'm proud to say my client did exactly that earlier this week.

And then she said 'Omg, I can't believe how much LIGHTER I feel already. Now I know exactly what to do.'

In less than an hour she went from feeling like a complete mess, to clear, focused, and moving forward.

All because she made DECISIONS.

So, today, I challenge you to ask yourself the question:

What do I need to decide right now, but haven't?

And make a decision. TODAY.

Yes, you can.

And when you do? You'll feel lighter too. (feel free to hit reply and tell me all about it!!)



PS. If your unmade decision is about signing up for a coaching conversation with me, please know this: the first call is 100% free, 100% about you and your decisions, and 100% no hard sell.

You get clarity.

And then if you want MORE clarity, more focus, and more support from there, then you can decide to say yes. (and if you decide to say no, that's okay too - the deciding is the key, not the answer).

Coaching is life-changing. If you're ready to decide to explore it, there's no better time than today.

Book a free call here:
