Really (really!) need a break? Here's how to take it

Nov 23, 2021 10:00 pm

Hey there ,

We ALL need breaks.

As the U.S. is moving towards Thanksgiving this week I've been thinking a lot about HOW to actually take the break I need, and I bet that you need too.

I realized that taking a real, useful (and guilt FREE) break only requires 4 simple steps (all of which can happen in your head!).

Today in my FB group I walked through them, you can check out the live here:

The key takeaway?

  • You DESERVE a break.

  • You'll work better AFTER the break.

  • And you won't lose any ground because you TOOK the break (in fact, you'll likely GAIN).

Here's to creating exactly the time and space you need over the next few days to head into the last bit of the year with all the strength, energy, and joy that will create your next big result :)


