The 3 most common reasons they aren't buying...

May 14, 2024 2:40 pm

Hey there, ,

One of the most common issues clients bring to me is that people aren't buying whatever it is they're selling.

They feel like they're doing ALL the things and getting NOTHING back.

They post, they share, they create, they problem solve, they plan, they network and... it doesn't seem to translate into yeses, to clients, to sales, to money.

Which is frustrating. And defeating. SO. DEFEATING.

So... what?

If this is what's happening in your business, what do you do? What do you change? What's *actually* happening?

Here's the thing.

As a coach, I see LOTS of businesses who come to me (and also lots who don't) with not enough sales.

They're all different kinds of businesses trying to sell all different kinds of things.

And yet in nearly every case the REASONS people aren't buying are the SAME.

It's almost always (really, always...) one of the following three issues:

  • They're selling from MAYBE.

What does that mean? Well... if they are only kind of 'maybe' about what they're selling --- they aren't sure it works, they don't want to brag, they aren't totally sold on what they're selling --- it's pretty darn hard for someone ELSE to say yes.

Selling from maybe only maybe works (and only maybe makes money... which is NOT what they're aiming for).

  • They aren't talking to humans.

People buy from people. People they KNOW, LIKE, TRUST (which is a series of three words I hate to parrot out in order like that, but it's true...). And it's pretty hard to make sales in a business where there aren't people.

If people aren't buying it's time to check and see if there are actually PEOPLE being connected with.

[and this one might sound crazy but also, one of the things I ALWAYS ask people who aren't making the sales they want is 'how are you connecting with new people right now?' --- the most common answer I get is 'I'm not'...]

  • They aren't actually telling people what they do.

I say this all the time but really, people can't buy what they don't know exists. If they're not talking about it, not directly making invitations and offers, not talking about what they do and sell (more than is comfortable), the people aren't buying because they aren't seeing it.

So, the question today is this:

Which one of these (or more than one of these) applies to you right now?

  • Are you selling from maybe?

  • Are you connecting with humans?

  • Are you making (more than) enough invitations and offers?

And what will you do to adjust this week so that more people CAN and WILL be able to buy from YOU?

Because your people? They need you. They need what you do. They WANT your help. They want to hear from you, to connect with you, and to be served by you.

Your job is to show up - grounded, connected, and making invitations - so that they get the chance to buy and change as a result.

I'm rooting for you, always :)




If you're like 'uh-oh, this is DEFINITELY me' and also 'wth do I do NOW?' I have two options for you, today.

First, join Selling for Weirdos. These three problems - the 3 most common reasons they aren't buying from you - are the EXACT three problems we solve in the course. You'll become a more confident, more connected, more EFFECTIVE sales person (without also feeling like an icky sales person) in 12 weeks.

[and for those of you that are counting, 12 weeks from now is the end of July --- your sales could be CHANGED before the end of the summer... just sayin...]

You can enroll in Selling for Weirdos here.

Second, if you know that courses are great and also you need more accountability than that - I get it, and that's why 1:1 coaching exists.

You and I can work together on YOUR specific sales hurdles right now - and get more people buying sooner than later. 1:1 coaching is the fastest way to change your business and your sales, period.

If you're ready to talk about coaching, book a time here, or hit reply and we'll find a time to talk via email.
