A little math, but it won't hurt

Jul 30, 2024 2:20 pm

Hey there, ,

Let's do a tiny bit of math. Nooooo, don't close the email. It won't hurt - I got you.

Right now, with the discount code, Selling for Weirdos costs $690 (the code is LOVESALES, btw).

How many clients/sales is that for you?

If you're offering a service, likely you're charging (please be charging, I'm begging you...) at least $100/hour.

So, Selling for Weirdos basically costs 7 hours.

Okay, cool - why are we talking about this?

Two reasons:

First - - how many people would need to say yes for you to make your money back?

7? 2? 1? Less than 1?

The WHOLE point of Selling for Weirdos is to make the process of sales EASIER to actually DO WELL.

And I know if you aren't selling enough right now it's hard to imagine that a random course will make that any different.

I hear you and also Selling for Weirdos isn't just any random course. I'm not just a random person who decided on a Tuesday to build a course because I didn't know what else to do.

But really.

Want to make 7 sales? 2? or 14? or whatever number is the one you'd be like 'yes, that?'

That's what we'll do together in the course. Me and you, together.

Yes, you'll make more sales because that is the WHOLE POINT.

Second - how much time do you spend RIGHT NOW fighting your sales process per week (or even per month...)?

How much time are you spending thinking and rethinking your packages, pricing, sales call process, offers, how to talk about them, how to say it right, how to do all the things?

[is it more than 7 hours a month? maybeeee...]

In Selling for Weirdos we clean ALL of this up.

By grounding you in your expertise and value, getting you connecting to the people you are meant to help more effectively, and cleaning up your packages, pricing, sales call process, and how and where you're talking about them... we're going to save you a crap-ton of TIME.

Will you be doubt-free from now on?

Lord, no. But will you spend as much time as you do now on doubt and questions and worry and all the things?

ALSO NO. And that time you get back you can repurpose to ACTUALLY helping people that pay to work with you.

But... in the end, here's the truth:

You can't make your money back if you never start.

And you can't win back your time if you never take the leap.

Now's the time to jump in.

Don't forget to use the $53 off code, LOVESALES which is good through TOMORROW, 7/31.

Join Selling for Weirdos!

And if you want to talk about it? Let's talk about it - hit reply or book a time to talk here.

I CANNOT wait to get started with you.

Here's to more money and more time ;)

Much love,

