A key ingredient of all successes
Jul 25, 2022 4:32 pm
Happy Monday !
This morning I woke up thinking about success and celebrations.
I have spent the past 5 days sitting at the baseball field, watching my son and his 8 year-old team play in a big regional tournament… and I’ve had a lot of time to watch he and his teammates work through the highs, the lows, the ups, the downs, and all the things in between that come with success.
This weekend they started by losing 2 games (a close one and NOT a close one...) and then proceeded to pick themselves up and win 4 in a row, to (improbably) find themselves in the championship game yesterday.
As I watched this weekend unfold (while we sweltered in 95+° heat each day…), I was struck by how COMMON it is for the kids, the coaches, the parents, and the fans to celebrate at every stage of the game.
Kid throws a good pitch? Celebrate!
Kid makes a great play? Celebrate!
Kid gets a hit? Celebrate!
Kid makes an error? All good, they’re learning, still celebrate!
Win the game? Celebrate!
Lose the game? Celebrate what worked!
[This picture is them getting the news that even though they lost the final game, they were headed to the World Series - lots MORE celebration!]
For my kid (and I’m sure also for all of his teammates), the CELEBRATION is what keeps them going.
It’s what makes even the tough losses - and lord knows we had a few of those this week - manageable and maybe even fun.
Celebration is a CONSTANT presence.
It’s a key ingredient - like the noodles in chicken noodle soup. Without the celebration, nothing is quite the same.
And yet, in business?
We don’t allow ourselves to celebrate like this.
We don’t celebrate at EVERY turn.
We wait until we have played the very last game on the very last day and IF it went well THEN maybe we can celebrate.
And then we WONDER why everything feels so hard all the dang time.
Business is NOT different from 8U baseball.
And in 8U baseball, celebration is NOT a nice to have. It’s not optional.
My kid would not be 38 games into this super fun (and also endless) baseball season, happy to keep trucking along, if he hadn’t been celebrating ALL along the way.
He would have burned out long before now.
But instead?
He is THRILLED. TO. BITS. to still be in it, still be playing, doing his thing with the other boys.
They are successful BECAUSE they celebrate.
*Celebration is an ingredient, not a result.*
—> Celebration is not optional for success.
—> Celebration comes BEFORE success - we celebrate our way TO success.
—> And you celebrating BIG things isn’t required… you can (and should!) celebrate any and everything.
**What are the equivalent of a good pitch, a good catch, a big hit, and an error in your business?**
Every time you do any of those things?
Because the truth is this:
The more you celebrate, the MORE you succeed.
It is not an accident that my kid and his team have won as much as they have.
I spent the weekend watching kids on other teams melt down because they (their parents and their coaches) were missing the CELEBRATION part of the program.
The team moms and I celebrated our kids AND kids on other teams all weekend long, in particular the ones who we could see needed a little more celebration coming their way.
You deserve the SAME.
You - and all that you are doing, day in and day out - ARE worth celebrating, REGARDLESS of the outcome.
Waiting celebrate is doing it backwards.
It is MORE THAN okay for you to start celebrating RIGHT. NOW.
And in that spirit?
Hit reply and share one thing you have to celebrate right now, and what you want to do to celebrate (it might just be sitting in your chair and ALLOWING yourself to feel proud for a whole minute...).
I can't wait to celebrate WITH YOU.
PS. Celebration - and focusing on what's WORKING - is a core component of working with me.
I help my clients rewire their thoughts and processes so that celebration is NORMAL. When celebration becomes normal, success becomes easier (not to mention more fun, holy moly).
If you'd like to celebrate more AND get more to celebrate, more easily, as a result coaching together is the fastest way to make that happen.
Hit reply and say 'I'm ready for MORE celebration and more success', or book a time to talk here.