Are you a seed planter or a gardener?

Apr 25, 2022 6:58 pm

Dear ,

In business, we talk A LOT about planting seeds...

You'll hear people say 'ohh, I'm meeting people, and just planting seeds out there in the world.' Or 'I'm taking this course, and it's planting seeds...'

Maybe 'planting seeds' is a phrase you use, and maybe it's not.


The idea of 'planting seeds' gets used a lot to convey the idea that we're just STARTING something.

We use 'planting seeds' to convey beginning opportunity.

And the idea is perfect - we plant seeds now and reap the rewards over time.

Logically, it makes sense.

But, friend, in and of itself all planting seeds means is that you are a seed planter.

Seed planting doesn’t make you a gardener.

So, how do you know which one you are right now?


Sometimes, when we are focused on being seed planters, we want shit to WORK NOW.

It's the equivalent of expecting to put the seed in the ground and have it sprout, asap.

Other times, we work on the opposite extreme.

We plant the seeds and then walk away - never to pay attention to them again.

Because if they don't sprout AND we paid attention to them, then maybe it was us that was wrong and not the seeds...

Which of course doesn't work.

Either way, we think EVERYTHING should work according to plan.

We plant seeds and then they should sprout.


We think if it worked one way once that should happen again that same way every time.

It's 'I have planted this seed in this place before and it grew a beautiful flower therefore that will work the same this time.'

And if you've ever actually planted the same seed in the same place two years in a row, you know the chances of getting exactly the same result are, well, slim...

Friends, this is seed planting.

This is us forgetting to be gardeners.

In a real garden, seeds take actual time to grow - surely weeks, and sometimes months - into something worth having.

In a real garden, some seeds germinate and grow and some just plain don’t.

In a real garden, you can plant the same exact thing the same exact way twice and on time it will be amazing and one time it will be just nothing - and that’s normal.

In a real garden, you tend seedlings carefully, gently, patiently for as long as they need.

You provide the right conditions for growth ALL the time (and still some just don’t... and it’s still okay).

And, in a real garden, you don’t get mad at seeds that don’t sprout.

You don't freak out if some work 'right' and some don't.

You don't expect all the seeds to sprout exactly the same way, like teeny green robots.

You don't give up because some seeds didn't sprout.

Instead, you focus on the ones that DID.

Y’all, business is THIS.

And if all you want to plant seeds, that's cool.

But that’s not gardening.

If you want to grow stuff - including your business - DECIDE TO BE A GARDENER.

Plant seeds, yes.

But then do the work to give your seeds the time and love they need to grow.

Know that not every seed creates a plant.

Know that sometimes seeds are unpredictable.

Know that patience and trust is always required AND rewarded.

And know that the only seeds that really matter are the ones that sprouted.


Happy spring :)



Ps. If you just now realized that you've been working SO HARD at being seed planter instead of a gardener, 1:1 coaching with me bridges exactly this gap.

I know this because I am a master gardener (of plants AND businesses) and I know how to help you ACTUALLY grow the seeds you’re planting in your business.

I can even help you coax them into FULL BLOOM.

If you are ready to be a gardener in your business rather than seed planter I can help.

Hit reply and say 'I'm ready to GROW', and we'll schedule a time to talk about YOUR garden (I mean business :)).
