The three questions that keep coming up

Apr 29, 2024 1:10 pm

Hey there, ,

As people have been thinking about joining Selling for Weirdos, I've gotten 3 questions more than any others.

Question 1: When does it start and when does it end?

Answer: Selling for Weirdos is SELF-PACED. As soon as you join, you can start. OR? You can buy it now and tell me when you want to start (for example, I have one new member who is scheduling herself to start 5/7 because that's when other commitments have ended).

It ends when you're finished - there are 12 modules, and generally people work through a module a week. I've seen people go through it faster --- 8 weeks --- and I've had people take longer --- more like 20 --- but whatever pace works for YOU is fine, as long as you're progressing :)

Question 2: What if I get in there and it's really NOT for me?

Answer: Listen, I get it. And I don't want you to worry - because if it's not for you, I want you to be able to go and find what IS for you.

Selling for Weirdos is built to help you grow your business, income, and impact through a sales strategy that actually fits who you are and how you see the world. While I strongly suspect you'll be ALL IN on this weirdo version of sales - if you're not?

I offer a 28-day money back guarantee so that you can jump into this work, RISK FREE.

Question 3: I've bought LOTS of courses, why is this one different? What if I don't finish (or really, even start??!)?

Answer: The truth is that I can't make you start or come back to the course - only you can do that, really.

BUT. What I can say about Selling for Weirdos is this: It's built to keep you coming back once you do start, with content that's simple to use, easy to understand, easy to learn with, and easy to grow FROM.

I have more than 20 years of teaching experience and more than 10 years in the sales world. I have won awards for digital course-creation and instruction, and I have DEEP experience in helping humans succeed in online learning.

Selling for Weirdos is built with learners, learning, growth - YOU - in mind.

The simple, consistent structure of Selling for Weirdos means you'll know what to expect, how to move forward, and how to get help when you need it.

You will get *exactly* what you need to learn to sell effectively as your amazing weirdo self, and everything you'll need - the lessons, the questions, the tools - is included right here, right now.

Come be weird with us :)

Enroll Now!

And if you have a question I didn't answer?

Hit reply and ask, I'm here!

