How to *actually* get clear on all the things

Jan 09, 2023 4:41 pm

Hey there ,

So many of us start the year looking for clarity.

We might think of it as 'refining messaging', or 'getting clear' or 'clarifing offers' or whatever else you want to call it.

And I'm all for clarity.

But, here's what I think you MUST know, right now.

You cannot find your way to clarity in your own head.

I KNOW we want to have clarity before we start when something is new.

I know. I do. I get it. Be there done that all the times. I feel it too.

And also?

It is a path of disaster, truly.

Waiting to talk to people until you feel clear means waiting forever.

It means going over the same ground over and over and over and over as it

slowly and systematically destroys your confidence.

This is not inflammatory language.

This is truth.

I see it constantly in my entrepreneurial friends, in colleagues who are working to build new things, in clients, and I’ve seen it firsthand.

You cannot think your way to clarity.

It’s like trying to grow seeds in a dark, dry, freezer.

Not happening.

For clarity you have to share.

Talking to people is required.

Taking the risk that you will sound dumb, that you will trip over your words, that you might offend someone, that you might get it wrong (and you will do all of these things) is required.

Getting out of your own head and into the world is required.


Please, friend.

I know you’re thinking ‘but I just need a little more time to figure it out before I share.’

‘I just want to be a little clearer and then I’ll be ready.’



You’ll never feel ready.

That’s not how this works.

Please, share.

Talk to someone you love about what you are working on.

Talk to a total stranger (often this is easier…).

Talk to a colleague, a fellow parent that you kinda know, a neighbor.

Talk to me.

Really, talk to all of us.

Just. talk.

The more you do the more clear things will become.

I love you, and you cannot think your way to clarity.

I love you, and you cannot plan your way to readiness.

I wish you could, for me and for you because lord knows it would be SO nice.

But that’s not how any of this works.

So, today, please, stop thinking on your own.

Take whatever idea you have - because you know it better than you realize, you are closer than you think, and even unfinished and unclear it IS going to be useful to someone else - and share it.

Now. Today. With whoever.

And then do it again. And again. And again.

This is the path to clarity.

It’s scary.

But also?

It’s less scary than the reason you didn’t succeed being you.

THAT’S scary.

Here's to ALL the clarity in 2023!




If you want clarity and also need a push? And a community who gets it and you?

Who will help you to do the talking and also learn from the risks you’re taking (fast) so that you don’t have to take EXTRA risks?

We’ve got you.

Small group coaching is exactly this, and so much more.

Clarity. Community. Coaching. All of it.

After 20 weeks together you will walk away so. much. clearer, and you’ll have the results to show for it.

My current round of small group coaching peeps allllll got at least ONE of the results they wanted within the first 6 weeks.

You can have this too.

Book a time to chat here:

Or hit reply and say ‘hey, let’s talk about group coaching…’ 

The next round begins the first week in February. Now is the time to grab your spot.
