Friend, please stop reinventing the wheel

Feb 22, 2022 4:26 pm

Dear ,

I would like to invite you to stop trying to reinvent the wheel that is your business.

How do you know you're doing this?

You are working (too) hard, trying to reinvent the wheel if:

  • You're constantly thinking you don't have anything 'new' to share,
  • You wish you were more 'creative' and feel like you're doing something wrong because you aren't (even though you actually are, but this is a conversation for another time...),
  • You are fighting an uphill battle against writing the 'right' post for each platform, writing 'enough' posts, or creating 'enough' content.
  • You worry you're messaging is getting repetitive, that people will get bored with you, or that they'll be tired of hearing from you.

Sound familiar?

If you are reinventing the wheel you are spending a LOT of time at the drawing board, planning, thinking, drawing... and NOT a lot of time actually ROLLING the wheel that is your business forward, picking up momentum, and moving faster (so you can make money).

And that's probably NOT how you really *want* to be running your business.

So if you've been busy reinventing the wheel rather than rolling forward, here's what you should remember.

First, people need to hear things (WAY) more than once.

They need you to say what you do, who you help, why it matters, and what you offer over, and over, and over.

This is the nature of humans, especially BUSY humans like the people you (probably) want to work with.

Second, there are LOTS of ways to say the same thing over and over and NOT bore people. (and BTW, teachers are GREAT at this...)

Imagine you are talking about chocolate ice cream.

You could talk about it's color, it's taste, it's texture, a memory you have of eating it, your plans for when you will eat it next, why it's your favorite (or NOT!), where you buy it, why you buy it, when you love to eat it most, who you love to eat it with, how it makes you feel...and then some.

We're already at 11 ways to talk about chocolate ice cream, and it's a pretty simple thing everyone knows about... just imagine how may options there are for something more complex, like what you sell/offer/help people with.

Third, people are LISTENING to you, reading what you share, and following what you do because they WANT to hear from you.

We forget that people opt-IN to what we have to say every time they read/follow/share/like and the rest.

When you remember that they CHOOSE to read what you say/share, it's a LOT easier to keep sharing (even when it's the same thing over and over). It's NOT boring to them.

Finally - last but not least - remember that the nature of basically EVERY platform you're connected to people on is that they don't see every single thing you say or do... they just see a few, and not in the order you share them.


You don't need to be endlessly creative to succeed.

Instead, you need to dial DOWN to the few key things that you have to say/share, and FOCUS on them - THESE are your core messages.

  • Say them over and over.

  • Say them ALL the ways.

  • Say them to the people who WANT to hear from you.

  • Say them a LOT so that when your people only see some, they get enough to go on.

This is the SIMPLE way to success.

And it really IS this simple.

You don't need to constantly reinvent, redraw, reimagine.

You just need to KEEP SHOWING UP and saying what you do.

Roll forward. Pick up SPEED. Help more people.

Happy Monday :)



**And if you need help figuring out what your core messages are, how to repeat them without being boring, and how to use them to anchor your business and your success?

This is what coaching is ALL about.

I am here to help YOU simplify, focus, and grow.

Right now, there are two ways to get this help.

We can coach together for 6 months (this is the fastest and MOST effective route to rolling the wheel that is your business faster, rather than redrawing it over and over).

Or you can sign up for a one-bite coaching session right now and get the road map, without the commitment.

To talk about the whole enchilada, click here:

For just a taste, click here:
