It turns out that Santa is all about coaching...
Jan 24, 2022 7:34 pm
Dear ,
Over the weekend I got THE biggest treat.
My coaching was approved by SANTA.
No. I haven't completely lost it.
Hang on.
I have a client, who I adore, who during the holidays is Mrs. Claus at various holiday events, and her husband is Santa.
(In 2020, when no one was going anywhere, they actually zoomed with my kids before the holidays, which is something my kids are still talking about, 14 months later.)
Over the weekend, this same client, who is a member of the current round of my small group coaching program, sent me a message:
And my first thought?
"I got the Santa-seal of approval!"
Not only is this client sold on the work we're going in group coaching - she is - but the changes have been so worthwhile her husband is now also COMPLETELY sold.
What kinds of changes is she making?
- She has a clear offer and a plan for meeting the people she can help.
- She knows the focus of her work, why it matters, and how to talk about it.
- She's regularly and intentionally stretching out of her comfort zone so that she can SERVE more of the people who need her.
- She is actively transferring all of the best things she did as a teacher TO her current business.
And we're only 9 weeks into the program (just a little over halfway!).
Why am I telling you this?
Because there are LOTS of reasons people give me for not choosing coaching, but of the reasons there are 2 that happen most.
'It's too much money.'
'My spouse is not on board.'
These reasons could also have been this client's reasons.
I know that the $1000 that she made for CBS was a big investment in her world. It's a stretch.
And I also know that spending $1000 is doubly hard when your partner in the world is not into it.
So here's what I want you to know.
If you choose to join the next round of Charting Business Success, you will be proud of your $1000 investment.
You will not question if this was money 'well-spent'.
You will get your money's worth, and then some. I cannot actually be okay with anything less.
By the middle of 16 weeks, you'll have already gotten at least $1000 worth in coaching and growth - probably vastly more.
And while I can't promise that your spouse will come around in 16 weeks (man, they can be STUBBORN!), I can promise that you will make significant progress, and they'll be able to see it.
I can promise that they will be able to see the difference in you and your work that comes from coaching with me.
Santa is not the first partner of a client I've gotten the thumbs-up from. (I once got a FB testimonial from a client's dad actually...), and he surely won't be the last.
Charting Business Success is a WILDLY effective investment.
It's a ridiculous amount of bang for your buck.
And now is the time.
(Because, at the minimum, the cost for the group is not going to be $1000 forever and the next opportunity to join the group will not be until June.)
If you are thinking this *might* be for you, we should talk sooner than later.
Hit reply and say 'I'm thinking about joining CBS, but I have some questions' OR, if you've DECIDED, just say 'I'm ready to join CBS!'
Happy Monday!