A different kind of value email
May 04, 2022 1:56 pm
Dear ,
I had every intention of writing a 'value' email today.
A story that you could walk away from, see yourself, take away something helpful for your business.
I wrote it.
And then I trashed it.
I'm going to be valuable to you in a different way.
I'm going to be valuable by invitation.
I invite you to join the next round of the Charting Business Success small group coaching program.
CBS is for you if:
- you are making your business COMPLICATED and want to SIMPLIFY success.
- you are feeling like what you really need to do to be successful is CLONE yourself - and are really just kinda pissed that that's not a thing - and you want to simplify your day in and day out processes.
- you are getting results but damn it's SO. MUCH. WORK. and you need BETTER results with more EASE.
- you are NOT getting results but you KNOW what you have is valuable... if you could just get out of your own damn way and you want to move forward so you can actually GET what you want for a change of pace.
This will be the 4th round of this program.
I'm here to tell you it works. I have 3.5 rounds of proof.
My CBS clients:
- set - and then actually reach - goals they have been sitting on for YEARS (in one case, 10 to be exact).
- create processes that simplify meeting new people, creating new clients, generating revenue, and becoming visible to the people who NEED them.
- create new ways of thinking about themselves, their businesses, their capabilities, their expertise, failure, and success that serve them better today, and will serve them FOREVER going forward.
- make back their investment, and then some.
And because the group is TRULY a small group, each client gets WHAT they need, WHEN they need it, WHILE also learning from what everyone else is getting.
Differentiated. Individualized. Focused. USEFUL.
Plus, they get each other, in community and create bonds and systems of support that last well beyond our work together.
You are invited to be a part of this group.
There's nothing quite like it.
And there's NO better investment.
Please take a moment and imagine yourself quite literally doing less and accomplishing more.
Imagine actually KNOWING which actions matter day to day.
Imagine taking the risks you know you want to take but are afraid of - because you might fail, because of what other people might thing, because of what it might mean about you - with a community who will both support you and also not enable you to stay the same when we know you are capable of so. much. more.
Imagine what it would feel like to BE consistent. To HAVE momentum. To TRUST yourself and your business.
That's what we create in CBS. Together.
You are invited.
You are WELCOME.
We want you to become a part of the community.
There are 4 spots.
The investment is $2000.
1 hour, every week for 16 weeks.
We start the week of June 6th.
And the growth will be IMMESURABLE.
If you're curious, hit reply and say 'I have questions about CBS, let's talk.'
If you're in - and you're totally allowed to just be IN - hit reply and say 'I'm in for round 4!'
And if not?
That's okay too.
I still want you to imagine what it would look like to have a truly simple business.
And then start moving in that direction, in whatever way makes sense for you.