Let's talk about S T R E T C H I N G into your next big goal...

Aug 27, 2021 1:31 am

Hey there ,

It's hard to fathom that we are nearing the end of August, but here we are.

It's not the start of 2021, but since it's the start of the school year, it sure feels like it (especially for the teachers, even if you aren't going back to school, you probably are finding yourself in back to school 'mode').

Which makes it a great time to set (and reach!) your next BIG business goal.

Maybe it's getting started and deciding what you offer to who for how much (and then selling it).

Maybe it's deciding how to charge so that you can effectively manage all the work raining into your world.

Maybe it's something else between those two.

No matter WHAT it is, we each have a goal for this new month.

And THE way to reaching that goal in the next 30 days is to consistently and intentionally STRETCH into this new size and shape.

So I'm running a challenge that it going to run through the month of September.

Since I'm AMAZING at coming up with catchy, cute names for things (ahem, not...), I'm calling it the September Stretch Challenge.


The LIVE Kickoff will be in my FB group, Teachers in Business, next Wednesday, 9/1/2021 at 11 am EST.

Why should you come?


If I'm being totally honest you should join because you want to hit your goal for a change.

(It would feel good, right?)

And if you've been hitting goals consistently?

Then it's time for you to THINK BIGGER, and this is your chance.

During the kick off I'll give you ALL of the details about how to ROCK this challenge, and your month, and we'll make sure you set the exact right goal.

All you have to do is SHOW UP live in the group.

Ready for a bananas (in a good way!) September?

It starts with this challenge.

It is EXACTLY what you need right now.


And if you have questions? Want to talk about your goal ahead? Something else?

Hit reply, I'm here!

See you on the 1st!



PS. The most recent episode of the Teachers in Business podcast was about stretching, and how to decide how you want to stretch yourself and your business next.

You can listen to it here.
