Three simple things for your Thursday

Mar 07, 2024 3:11 pm

Hey hey, !

When I thought about what would be useful to share with you today, I came up with three simple things.

First: before you fix something, change it, adjust, re-do, start fresh today…

...ask yourself: is it actually broken, in need of change/adjustment, or a problem?

Because really? As business owners we spend a LOT of time putting out fires that we started ourselves when we decided to burn something down that was just fine.

So before you dump a lot of time into change (because re-doing might feel less scary than doing the thing or maybe hearing no...), check and see if it's really broken first.

Second: please, ask for help.

I am not good at this all the time either - none of us independent souls really are - AND, it makes a difference every time.

In the last week I have asked for direction in a group I'm in, asked you all here for help choosing the new opt-in topic (and thank you again!), AND allowed help through carpool.

All uncomfortable - ALL worthwhile.

Check in with yourself today - what help do you need, and who do you want to ask?

Then? Go do that. You'll be glad you did.

Third (and related to the second): remember that asking for and receiving help does not mean there is anything wrong with you.

You can ask for help, get the help and not be less. You don't have to be broken to ask for and receive help - it's not a sign of the apocalypse.

Sometimes the BEST time to ask for help is when nothing is wrong, you're just ready for more, or better, or different.

And that's all :) Three simple things - I know at least one of them is something you needed to hear today!

Before we go - a reminder - tomorrow, 3/8 is the last day to join this round of UNComplicating Success small group coaching (speaking of ways to ask for and receive help...).

If you'd like to have a place to get your questions answered, to have help sorting the to-dos that make a difference from the ones that are just stuff, and to find some actual space between your work and your life --- come join us.

We're meeting weekly for 12 weeks, starting very soon :)

The next round of group after this will be in October - if you'd like a spot starting now, or in the fall, now's the time to talk about it. Hit reply and we'll connect.

Happy Thursday!!!


