5 useful things for your Wednesday, August edition :)
Aug 23, 2023 3:45 pm
Hey hey, ,
I'm not sure I ever planned on '5 useful things' being something I emailed regularly, but turns out I do :) So here we go again.
#1: This podcast episode on UNDERthinking helps if you are in the late-summer, get ready for fall spin that is needing to 'ramp up!' and 'get organized!' and 'refocus!'. There's something about fall that feels like we have to 'start fresh!' and if we don't we're missing something... so let's UNDERthink on what that is instead of OVERthink on it.
#2. This question (from a client, absolutely magical):
What does it LOOK like, FEEL like, and SOUND like to be THRIVING?
And: if that is different from where you are now, what would you like to change/shift/do differently to help you get from here to THRIVING?
#3. Another question (I want to say I promise there won't be more, but...well):
If you are selling something and it's feeling hard, and heavy and ugh.
Ask: What would make this offer/service/thing easy to sell and easy to buy/use?
Maybe (probably more than maybe) it's thinking differently about the offer/service/thing, and also ALLOWING selling to be fun - and yeah, that's not only allowed but also MORE than possible.
#4: Group coaching.
Yes, it has a cost. Yes, it doesn't start until September - so why am I saying it's useful here, today?
Because even deciding to consider it, deciding to come talk with me about it, deciding it fits or doesn't GROWS you as a business owner.
We grow from taking steps towards who we are becoming and making decisions as business owners - an thinking about group coaching (including if you decide it's not for you!) IS an opportunity for you to do just that.
Get on the calendar to talk about it. It's worth it. Plus I'd love to chat with you :)
Ok, so maybe not 'useful' in the traditional sense, but I've been working on this one for ages, and I love it.
I decided awhile back I was making playlists based on FEELINGS and since my focus feeling for 2023 is JOY I started with that one.
It might tell you just a little too much about exactly how old I am and what kind of weird things I love, but if it brings you even a little JOY as you come across a song that makes you smile? WORTH IT.
That's it, go forth, kick butt, and be nice to yourself as you're doing it :)
Much love,