What's playing on repeat this week...
Mar 16, 2023 7:21 pm
Hey there, ,
When things play on repeat in my week, I usually take that as a sign it's meant to be shared.
There are three things following me around in coaching conversations right now that might just be useful for you too...
- Work, life, business, GROWTH all the things - they're *cyclical*, not linear. I know. I know. I want it all to be nice straight lines too. Truly. But that's just not how it works.
The nature of *cyclical* things is ebb and flow. This is normal. But it's also NOT what the internet, the business books, the courses, and the 'experts' tell us should be happening.
We thing growth should be regular, predictable, and on a time table and schedule we set - but it's not, and it's never going to be.
I don't like it either - but also? The more we can lean into the idea that cycles are NORMAL and nothing is wrong with more one day, week, month and less another, the less drama there is. And less drama is better in every way.
Key questions: where are you - right now today - expecting linear behavior/results out of something that is actually cyclical? What would change if you changed your expectations?
- You can be busy and also have a calendar that feels spacious. Busy and spacious can and do coexist, and the bridge between them is YOUR boundaries.
The goal in business is MORE business. More sales, more clients, more service given, more income. And also? It's often LESS. Less time spent, less effort, less worry.
It seems like these things conflict. And so often we as business owners (and humans) ALLOW them to conflict. But what I know to be true - what I see EVERY DAY - is that this conflict isn't required.
You can be busy, creating more, and also doing less. You can.
This harmony is create by a) wrapping your head around that it IS possible, and b) setting the boundaries that enable spacious busyness.
Key questions: To what degree do you actually believe that you can be busy AND spacious at the same time? What would it look and feel like to have BOTH?
- Reframing how we think about basically anything seems like it shouldn't make a difference but in reality is actually the ENTIRE game.
In coaching we CONSTANTLY reframe, this is a huge part of the work we do in 1:1 and in small groups. I constantly prompt clients and friends and loved ones to change their views of an experience, an interaction, their actions, their results, all the things. And you know what?
And listen, this is not reframing to make things better/worse. This isn't reframing because we don't like what we're seeing. This is reframing thoughts and experiences to more accurately reflect what's ACTUALLY happening day to day.
Our human brains feed us the pessimistic, 'we did it all wrong, it's going to explode' line FIRST, EVERY time, especially when we're scared, nervous, uncomfortable, new. And the job of reframing is to reset to NEUTRAL rather than defcon 5.
It matters because reframing opens up space for possibility. Reframing reminds us of what's working, who we are, and why it matters. Reframing reconnects us to our potential.
Key questions: Where is your default view of what you're doing/what's possible/how it's going skewed towards negative rather than neutral? What might change if you reframed your thinking around evidence vs. judgement?
Annnnd that's a lot of coaching, but sometimes, that's what we need :)
Also... one final note: all the stuff that's in this email?
Take what you need, what fits, what feels relevant and leave the rest. You don't need it all. You need one piece today that will move you forward right now.
Happy growing :)
PS. All of what's in here today came directly out of 1:1 and group coaching this week.
If you're looking for MORE like this, here are a few places to get it:
- The UNcomplicating Business for Teachers, Helpers and Givers FB group.
- The UNcomplicating Business for Teachers, Helpers and Givers podcast!
- Group coaching - the next round will start in October, whenever you know you're in, it's okay to let me know.
- 1:1 coaching - there will be one space for a new client in April... if you're thinking about working together, hit reply and grab that spot!