5 things for a (freezing!) February Friday
Feb 03, 2023 9:20 pm
Hey there ,
First, welcome to February :)
Here it's C O L D... I'm hoping it's a little warmer where you are but either way, I'm sending warm thoughts your (and my!) way.
When I asked myself today what might be useful to share here on a Friday, I had WHOLE bunch of ideas in response.
I'm going to give you the cliff notes version of all of them, since odds are each thing on the list of what I want to give is something someone here needs today, and it would suck to share just one and have it not be the one YOU need...
Here goes:
1. This week there were 3 really (really) good questions that came up in my world. They'd maybe be helpful for you too :)
- What are the ways I have to support myself as I focus on doing what's in my control? (Like, what are the habits, processes, and structures that you already know work for you that you could use to help yourself right now but aren't...)
- What could you give yourself permission for - right now - that would allow you to feel and be more at ease with your work, time, and processes?
- What do you want you TIME to look and feel like?
2. My favorite new thought, shared by someone in my group this week about MONEY is this: I am AMAZING with money. Blows my mind, really. What would be different if you thought of yourself as AMAZING with money, all the time, in all the ways? What would be different? What could it mean? (and if you aren't in my FB group, come play, join here.)
3. There is ONE spot left for group coaching starting next week and it is the last group spot up for grabs until October.
If you are, in particular, all about refining and growing your clarity (who you are talking to, what you are saying, how you are saying it, how you offer it, where you offer it...), this group will be the perfect fit - and you have until 2/7 to say yes. After that, the group is all the way closed.
If you want the spot, hit reply and tell me you're ready to talk about it, or ask whatever questions you might have...
4. A reminder for you (and me) from a conversation with a client this week: you get to set your schedule however you damn well please. If you you WANT to work outside of 'normal business hours', super. If you want to work a little every day, fab. If you want to work a LOT 4 days a week and not at all the other 3, super cool. YOU DO YOU.
Society and the internet tells us there is a 'right' version of work/life balance. Both are liars. The only right is the way that works for YOU.
5. If you would love to love selling and also not cringe, even a little, when I say that... please join us in Selling by Giving and the SbG Implementation Lab, which is now open for enrollment (yayyyyy!).
Selling doesn't have to feel icky, and in 15 weeks you will walk away never having to cringe around selling (or pricing) again.
The 1.0 of version of this class is insane value, truly - I know down to my toes that you're going to get 10x what you're paying for it, and I can NOT wait to help you change how you sell, how you think about selling, how you FEEL about selling f o r e v e r.
You can check it out (and enroll) here, and if you have questions, just hit reply - I'm happy to answer whatever you're wondering.
[and, as a side note, as much as I am in awe of being able to say this - SbG is currently the only way to work with me if you aren't already a client - at the moment I'm full for 1:1 and biweekly clients... so either grab that last group spot or jump on in here, because this is the simplest, and only, way for me to help you and you to get me right now :)]
And with that?
Happy Friday :) Stay warm, remember that you are way more amazing than you know, and only work like crazy if you want to :)
Much love,