But how will it *actually* work?
Feb 06, 2023 8:20 pm
Hey there ,
Over the weekend I got a couple of questions about Selling by Giving and the SbG Implementation Lab Class.
What I KNOW from my teaching years - and what I tell students even still ALL the time is that if one person has a question and actually ASKS it out loud, that always means MORE than one person actually has the same question.
Soooo... my guess is that some of you might also have the same question... which basically boils down to 'how is the class ACTUALLY going to work, like, day-to-day?'
So here's the deal.
- First, it's a class, and we're going to work together, yes that does take time - that's the idea.
But also.
You're busy, I'm busy and none of us have 10 extra hours to dump into anything any given week.
So we're not going to do it like that.
Time commitment: 2-3 hours per week, max, on your schedule. AND some of the time you spend will be doing the SbG version of things you'd be doing for your business anyway... we're going to simplify your current work, right out of the gate.
Sure, it can be more, but really?
For you to get exactly what you need from this class - for you to entirely change how you sell and how you FEEL about selling for. good., you don't need to spend alllll of your time in the class.
- Second, yes, there are going to be live pieces, and also, you get to decide if you want to join them or watch them back or ignore them completely.
There will be bi-weekly live coaching sessions - that are wholly optional (I mean, isn't everything we do or don't do really wholly optional on some level?).
And there will always be access to recordings. Because it's mean not to give people stuff like that and I am not cool with that.
- Third, yes, you'll have access to me directly - and you'll get to use that access as much or as little as you like.
We're going to use a video-based tool to ask and answer questions back and forth as individuals where you either type or video-ask a question to me, and I'll respond via recorded video to you.
Asking questions this way is going to be one of the core weekly 'to-dos' as we work through the class.
It's going to be super simple, super powerful, super efficient, super fun. (Also, a side sneaky way to get you more used to video... just sayin')
- Fourth, each week there will be videos to watch (me, short and sweet) with the content/learning for the week, worksheets to support your thinking, a moderated online discussion where we can all talk/share/ask together, and then practice tasks.
The videos are the core content, the worksheets are for thinking, and the tasks are for IMPLEMENTING.
Do you have to do everything? No, of course not. Do you have to 'keep up'? Also no - life happens to all of us and you do you.
I'm building this class the way I'm building it because of 20+ years of teaching experience, and nearly 10 years of digital business experience - there IS a method to the madness and I'm building this class this way on purpose.
Doing the work, and trying to stick with the timeline is how you'll maximize what you get for your $$, and it's how you'll maximize your access to me and everything else in the class.
And also...
This email may or may not answer all the 'but how will it work?' questions...
So if there's something here NOT answered - ask.
Send a message, drop a comment, send snail mail... whatever works. Just know I'm happy to answer whatever questions you have that will help you figure out if SbG is right for you... that's what matters to ME.
And if you're like 'OOOOH, cool, got it - now I'm in...' head to www.torpeycoaching.com/workshops, then hop on in - enrollment is open :)
Happy Monday y'all!