3 simple ideas for the second half of 2021

Jul 02, 2021 9:26 pm

Hey there ,

Welcome to the second half of 2021 :) (look, we made it halfway!)

The mid-point can be a good time to reflect on what's happened so far in 2021, and what's to come.

With that in mind, I'd like to offer you 3 simple ideas to consider here at the at the middle.

1. There is nothing wrong with just focusing on the positive.

Sometimes when we reflect we want to use it as a time to seek out all the things that are 'wrong' or 'not working' right now.

This is what I think of as a 'fix-it' mindset - and while it's very much what we've been taught to do in reflection, it's actually not required.

It is TOTALLY okay to spend all of your reflection time on what's working right now.

It's totally okay to think about what's been AMAZING so far, and how to get more of that.

Focusing on the good is productive.

Are there things not working perfectly? Sure.

But I have found that for me (and for SO many of my clients) when I focus on what's good, the rest really just works it self out.

2. Growth is NOT linear.

I know. This one kinda sucks.

But it really does matter to remember.

Kids don't grow the same amount every year. Neither do plants. Birds don't lay the same number of eggs... no growth is REGULAR in a certain period of time.

And neither is your business growth.

If you are exactly where you want to be right now, or even ahead - HOORAY!

And if you aren't - NOTHING IS WRONG.

Take a breath. Keep growing. You are doing the work, and all the work you do pays off.

3. You get to decide.

You get to decide how you view your progress in the first half of the year (as a cause for celebration, or not...).

You get to decide how you move forward from here.

You get to decide what focus on next, and what you don't bother with.

You get to decide all the things.

One of my clients posted something I LOVED yesterday... it said "Results always follow decisions; things begin to happen that fall in line with your decisions."

(The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity)

DECISIONS create results.

And indecision also creates results...just not the ones you want.

Decisions are 100% in your power to make.

So what ever you have been sitting around and NOT deciding?

Now's the time to change that path.

The decision comes BEFORE the result.

Happy Friday, happy mid-way, happy reflecting, and happy DECIDING!

xo Sara

PS. If you are looking for help with reflection/evaluation, my podcast has LOTS of tools to help you.

How to be Consistent is a great place to start!


On 7/14 at noon EST I'm leading a FREE and crazy-useful live workshop in my FB group called 'How to Evaluate: Tools for making POWERFUL evaluations quick, simple, and WAY less scary' - all you have do to get the goodness is SHOW UP.

It's just one of the MANY helpful things in my group...if you're not in, now's the time!
