When it's a wacky Wednesday, but not on purpose
May 10, 2023 3:46 pm
Hey hey, ,
When I was a teacher we'd have those theme days, like Wacky Wednesday, and everyone would wear something silly (on purpose).
That's how today feels here - just without the on purpose part :)
It made me think this morning about what I do when things are, well... wacky... and what I could share with you if you're week is feeling the same.
I came up with two useful things. (and maybe a bonus?!)
This one is going to sound obvious, but really?
One of the most helpful things for me when things are wacky is NOTICING it, and then knowing that's just how things go sometimes.
This kind of basic acceptance of 'yup, today's a weird one' is so often SUCH a freaking relief for me - it's the 'ohhhhh. It's just a weird day. Nothing has gone wrong, got it.'
Some days are wacky. That's okay. And for me, KNOWING that, and just accepting that's life sometimes feels so. much. better.
You've heard this question from me before, but it applies here, so you're hearing it again.
The next thing to do when things are wacky is to ask yourself THIS key question:
What do I *actually* need right now?
And then you really do have to also listen to the answer... (that's the hard part).
I asked myself this exact question this morning.
And the answer was (very clearly, I would add) 'an hour of doing NOTHING'.
So I did that. It's one hour out of a my whole (packed wall to wall with things to do) day - and yeah, maybe there are some to-dos that won't get done...
...but also, I'm already FAR more focused and productive and kind after an hour of nothing than I was 90 minutes ago (it's possible I'll get MORE accomplished BECAUSE I took an hour off... just sayin...).
So take a sec - ask yourself - what do you ACTUALLY need right now?
Do that.
Yes, the day may still be wacky. Lord knows this one here is not getting more normal as it goes on - but also, I feel better about it after allowing that wacky days happen AND also being nice to myself about it.
It's magic every. damn. time.
One other thing, sort of related.
This is your reminder for today that talking about what you do more is NOT harder, is NOT bothering anyone and IS welcome.
Say what you do, with love (because you LOVE what you do), share how people can get into your world, tell them how you can help --- your people WANT TO KNOW.
And even when you feel like you're talking about it all. the. time?
You're not. Say it again. No one sees all of your social posts. No one reads all of your emails. No one is focused on you the way you are. Remind them that you can help. Again. With love. Because that's what you do.
Much love from my wacky Wednesday to yours!
PS. My jam is helping people who love to give run businesses that put PEOPLE-first AND also make the money they want and need.
You can and should be an IMPACT-first person who cares most about people getting what they want and need AND also make the money/be successful/whatever you want to call it.
I am proof of this. My clients are proof of this.
If you want to be your people-first self AND thrive in a money-first business world without becoming a money-first human (because you can't...I hear you), I'm here.
Hit reply, let's talk about coaching... you can work with me 1:1, in the next round of small groups (September or October!), or in Selling by Giving which may or may not be getting renamed to People-first Selling :) No matter which version of the adventure you choose, what matters to me is that YOU get what you need. Period.