From my yoga instructor to you...

Nov 22, 2022 8:57 pm

Dear ,

Sunday morning this past weekend I went to yoga and the teacher started class by talking about setting intentions.

This is all fine and good and also when I generally tune out until we start to move.

This past Sunday I did what I usually do - he said 'intentions' and my brain started signing along with Taylor Swift - until he offered the intention he was suggesting for the class.

The intention he offered stopped the signing in my brain in the moment AND is something I'm still thinking about here 48+ hours later.

So, what was it?

He said something like: '...maybe you could set the intention of GIVING to this community this morning by GETTING, by TAKING AWAY from class exactly what YOU and you alone need.'

And I was like 'wait. What???'

Because it *sounds* like something that shouldn't work.

How is it possible that we GIVE to others in any way by TAKING/GETTING what we need?

How can taking/getting actually BE giving?


What if it was?

Seriously, though, what IF?

What IF through YOU standing up and asking for what you need in any given community - be it your family, your business, your circle of friends, your yoga buddies, or a FB group - you actually GIVE to the group and strengthen the community?

It actually makes sense, doesn't it?


Because when we - when you - stand up and say 'Hey, I have a question' or 'Hey, I need help' or 'Hey, I need to do it differently' or 'Hey, can we find another way' and get what YOU need, you're also doing more than you realize for the people around you.

When you stand up and take/ask for/get what you need, you also:

  • direct people who want to be helpful to you on actually HOW to help you best,
  • model what it looks like to stand up/be heard/get what you need,
  • Ask questions, make suggestions, and share ideas that other people ALSO will find useful,
  • Give OTHER people permission to do the same for themselves, and more...

So often we think that to support a community we must DO for others in the community without also doing for ourselves.

But what if we've got it wrong?

I'm not saying not to give in this way, not at all. But.

What if doing for ourselves and making sure WE get what we need, how we need it so we can grow, progress, thrive actually GROWS the community along side of us?

What might be different about how you show up in your communities if this were true? (also, it IS true, so....)

What if serving your community can and does come through making sure that you also serve yourself, and prioritize what YOU need - not at a cost to others, but in service to them?

What would change?

Maybe a lot :)

So, for you today:

Think about one community you're a part of and consider how exactly YOU getting MORE of what you need from it would ALSO serve that same community and make it stronger.

Then? Go get that from your community :)

And if you need a community?

There's one for you on FB in UNcomplicating Business - it's filled with teachers, givers, and helps who want you to thrive, and who also need YOU and your unique perspective and experiences so that they can thrive too. Come join us.



PS. There are TWO things happening you should know about!

1. It's time for my very very most favorite FB group event o' the year, and that's Plan 2023. It's happening in UNcomplicating Business on December 12, 14 and 15 live each day at noon EST.

There will be GREAT tools, worksheets AND prizes, you should plan to COME join us live - it's the best event of the year.

2. If you are thinking about 1:1 coaching ahead of 2023, let's talk about it now. As my dad likes to say, nothing ventured, nothing gained - and signing up for a free 1:1 call before the end of year is all win, no loss. It will be worth the hour we spend together, even if coaching together isn't for you. Book a time here.
