The coaching we both needed this week
Feb 28, 2023 11:11 pm
Hey hey ,
This week I have (repeatedly) given the same piece of coaching - and then, of course - had it given right back TO me by my coach.
My guess is that you need it too.
In sales you have two choices.
[There is no 'just right' selling because finding the perfect middle is not a thing...]
We all tend to avoid OVERSELLING because we don't want to seem salesy.
We don't want to risk people not liking us or being uncomfortable or whatever.
So instead?
But here's the (huge) problem with that.
By not sharing what you're doing, not telling people, not risking feeling salesy - you are helping FEWER people.
Are you cool with that?
Are you cool with people NOT getting what they need because you'd rather not risk feeling salesy or having someone think things about you that you might not like?
I'd guess not.
I'm surely not. Helping fewer people because I'm having feelings about me is not okay.
It's just not. If I'm here to show up in service, then that's what I need to do.
The same is true for you.
The answer to that is OVERSELLING.
And here's the craziest part of all of this?
You're thinking 'oh YUCK, that sounds awful, I want to help people but I can't be a slimy sales person...'
Here's the thing.
You won't be.
You CAN'T be.
Because slimy salesy people?
The REASON they are slimy salesy people is because they are NOT showing up in service.
And you are.
Which means you will NEVER ever actually pull off being a slimy sales person.
In the words of one of my clients - 'that's not how you human'.
Get out of the way of your sales.
Tell people what you have.
Show the hell up.
Be grounded in your expertise - because you are damn good at your thing - and people need you.
THIS is overselling.
Because UNDERSELLING sucks.
For you, sure, but mostly for the people who aren't getting your help because they don't know it's available to them.
And, all of this?
Grounding yourself in who you are, in your expertise.
Showing up even when you're uncomfortable.
Telling people what you have.
And creating sales as a result.
This is what we're doing in Selling by Giving.
This is why this course.
It matters.
Because underselling SUCKS.
Feeling like your only choice is underselling SUCKS.
And not helping the people who need you because you're underselling SUCKS.
We can end this mess right now.
We can change the process.
And we can make overselling simple, possible, and EFFECTIVE as hell.
In Selling by Giving.
Based on some feedback I've gotten in the last week or two, I've made some adjustments to the class.
So if you looked at it before, and it wasn't a fit, it's time to look again.
What's changing?
- Price. It's now $400. Period. For lifetime access to all the things.
- Timing. We now start 3/13.
- Structure. We're moving from a formal-ish structure to a pace-yourself, do you version, where, well, you do you.
- Timeline. The course is built to take 3 months. If you want to do it faster, cool. If you want to do it slower, also cool. The only thing to keep in mind is that the included 1:1 access to me and direct coaching will last through the end of June.