How not to find inner peace...

Feb 05, 2021 11:43 pm

Hey there !

When I can get my act together, I'm an early-morning, before-the-other-humans wake up exercise girl.

During my workout this morning the (online) instructor was talking about creating inner peace.

At 6 am, more inner peace sounded FAB, so I was really listening.

The instructor started sharing his ideas for how to get more inner peace...and halfway through his list of suggestions he threw in one that is NOT helpful.

He said ‘avoid negative thoughts.’

On the surface, that seems right.

Inner peace comes from thinking happy thoughts, right?

Sure, kind of.

But what happens when you have a negative thought?

(Because you will. We all will. They are 100% inevitable.)

You have to avoid it like the plague.

Because you aren’t supposed to have it.

So you resist it. You push it away. You freak out.

You have negative thoughts about having negative thoughts, and then feel even WORSE.

And now it’s a spiral of shit basically.

In actual practice, ‘avoid negative thoughts’ is terrible advice if you are working towards inner peace.

It creates MORE crazy, not less.

But, then what?

What’s the alternative?

It’s simple (but maybe not easy...).


Don’t avoid negative thoughts.

Know that you’ll have them, you’re a human.

And then - here’s the real trick - decide that there is nothing wrong with you just because you had a negative thought.

A negative thought doesn’t mean anything is wrong.

A negative thought doesn’t mean YOU are wrong.

And a negative thought only means something if you decide it’s true.

You don’t need to avoid negative thoughts.

Instead, you can know that it's okay to have them (because you will...) and decide not to feel bad about them.

And that?

DECIDING not to feel bad?

THAT is what brings inner peace.

You, friend, are not defined by your negative thoughts.

And inner peace comes from knowing that is true.

Much love,



PS. Learning this - to decide that you are NOT defined by your negative thoughts - is life AND business changing stuff. And it's 1000% the stuff that SUCCESS is made from.

If you want to grow a business and lead a life where negative thoughts are NOT a problem, this is what I teach ALL my clients.

You are not defined by your negative thoughts - and once you know that for SURE, your possibilities are LIMITLESS.

If you are ready for MORE inner peace and a shit-ton fewer limits, book a 1:1 conversation about coaching here.
