Hi, and a handy dandy list to share
Jun 21, 2023 3:28 pm
Hey there, ,
I've been working on taking the 3+ Offers a Day Workshop + Challenge we did together in May and making it a thing people can just buy whenever, and as I'm creating things, I made something I wanted you to have.
One of the questions that often comes up when we talk about MORE offers is around what all the different KINDS of offers even are.
I have this list because something that's sometimes hard about making more offers is not doing the same thing over and over and over - we have our ways that we're comfortable with, and we tend to fall back into those time and time again.
To counter that, sometimes it's useful to have a list of all of the ways you *might* share an offer... a) so you don't get bored, b) so you don't get stuck doing the same thing 1204 times, and c) so you can expand your modes of communication a little :)
Here's the list I have... it's not EVERYTHING, but it's a good place to start.
**The one caveat - this is not a list of HAVE-TOS in anyway. Use it as inspiration, use them all, use one, use NONE --- do you!
Offer options:
In a post:
- short text (less than 50 words), and DIRECT AF
- longer text, still direct
- longer text, in a story about you
- longer text, in a story about a customer/client
- with a testimonial (which might just be a 'this is awesome' quote, whatever, don't overthink it)
- with something you've learned as a biz owner and want to share with your people
In a video (yes, a video):
- live
- pre-recorded
- short - less than 60 seconds
- short-ish - 2-5 minutes
- longer - 5+
- as a workshop
- as a slide show
In PERSON (to an actual human or group of humans):
- in a story
- directly
- because they said something that prompted you to say 'well, I have this thing that might help, it's ____'
- in answer to a question
In an EMAIL (to a list, or just to another human...do you):
- short text (less than 50 words), and DIRECT AF
- longer text, still direct
- longer text, in a story about you
- longer text, in a story about a customer/client
- with a testimonial (which might just be a 'this is awesome' quote, whatever, don't overthink it)
- with something you've learned as a biz owner and want to share with your people
Yes, the email and post lists are the SAME but it's on purpose, to make the point - we all tend to forget we can do the same KINDS of things in both places :)
Whew, that's a good list!
Have things I missed? Send 'em on over, I'll add them for the future - you're helping the next person who signs up :)
Have a question about what something means? ASK :) I don't bite, promise!
And that's it. :)
I hope all is well with you in your world.
If I can be of help to you with offers, or really, with anything else, always know you can reach out.
Happy Offering!