Why 51% could be the most important number in your biz
Apr 09, 2021 12:00 am
Hey there !
Doesn't seem like much.
It's just barely more than half.
And that's EXACTLY why it might just be the most important number in your business.
Here's the thing...
SO often we all drive ourselves crazy trying to do all the things at 100%.
We want to 100% believe in ourselves.
We want to get 100% of our to-do list accomplished.
We want to be 100% present for our clients, customers, friends, family.
And all of those 100%s drive us 100% crazy.
But what if the number that REALLY mattered wasn't 100%?
What if that's an insane and 100% UNREALISTIC goal?
What if it was 51% instead?
Friends, no one believes in themselves 100% of the time.
But what if you believed in yourself - I mean really, REALLY believed - slightly more than half of the time?
No one gets 100% of things complete.
But what if you ALWAYS did more than half?
Expecting to close 100% of sales is a recipe for just torturing yourself.
But what if you expected 51% (and then got more)??
What if we shifted our success measurement to be 51% as the EXPECTATION, and anything more than that is just gravy?
Wouldn't it feel SO different?
If you got 70% of your list accomplished you would be ROCK STAR instead of a failure.
And before you freak out - this isn't me saying 'lower your standards, expect less'.
This is me saying out loud (because someone has to) that the standards we set for ourselves are BANANAS and it's time to do something different.
And this is why 51% is THE number.
How would your business change if 51% was the rule, and anything more was BONUS?
Speaking of numbers...
The next Teachers' Business Lunch and Learn will be tomorrow, 4/9 from 12:00 - 12:30 pm EST on Zoom.
Topic: The Math of Good Business
And before you freak out, no, it's not going to be accounting, scary formulas, or anything that requires a math degree.
Instead, it's going to be all about which numbers actually matter in your business, and which ones just plain don't.
(For example - the number of people in your group doesn't matter... but the number of offers you're making? Well....)
Knowing which ones are which (and how to track them) is a GAME-CHANGER.
LINK for 4/9: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84683712372?pwd=bmNzZVc1NDdvOExDaWdtMEdaU0I2dz09
I look forward to seeing you there :)
And finally, here are two more numbers to consider.
When you write down your goals you are 39.5% more likely to succeed. When you share your goals and talk about the progress you are making toward them you are 76.7% more likely to achieve them (The One Thing, p. 183).
If you aren't setting goals, if you aren't writing them down, and if you aren't talking about them as you work toward them, you're missing out.
If want to reach your goals, I can help.
Doing this - setting big goals and talking about them as you work toward them - is a HUGE part of what I do as a coach.
If goals haven't been your friend and you're ready for that to change, now is the time. Hit reply and let's talk about your goals on the regular (and then talk about how to celebrate when you've reached them)