Wait, another email? Yep, here's why
Apr 01, 2022 2:48 pm
Hey there ,
My brain says that sending you a third email this week, on a Friday no less, is absolutely NOT okay.
It's telling me that this is absolutely me being wayyyyy too much.
And maybe it is.
I'm sending it anyway.
Because when it comes down to it, I'd rather be too much than not enough.
And my real hope with all of these emails, any of these emails, is to give you space to be the same for yourself.
The world doesn't need less of you - it needs MORE.
What feels like wayyyy too much to you is still probably less than is not only possible but totally fine.
There is room for the whole of you, and you're allowed to step in and take up that space.
Just like I'm doing today.
This email is showing up today to invite you to 2 events I'm hosting in the next few weeks.
They are going to be simple and useful, and I want you to know that you are welcome to one or both (or neither, whatever floats you boat).
Event #1: Q1 Wrap up and Q2 Planning
Monday, 4/4 at 1:30 pm EST, in my free FB group, Teachers in Business
Why come?
Because pausing to reflect on our successes and intentionally plan are a VITAL part of business success, and both are something we NEVER do enough of.
This is a way for you to do this thing you KNOW you need to do, with coaching, with accountability, with focus. You get to check it off the list AND reap the rewards of having done this work.
Event #2: UNcomplicated Selling
Wednesday, 4/13 at 11:00 am EST, live on Zoom (and yes, this one will be recorded and set to everyone who registers after!)
Free, and pre-registration is required -- register here.
Why come?
Because if selling feels hella complicated, like the nut you are just never. going. to crack, and even if you do, will always be the thing you have to do but will never be a think you love to do, then you need what I'm sharing.
Selling doesn't have to be miserable. It just doesn't. And it sucks that the internet teaches us that 'THE WAY' to sell is though hustle-y, stalker nonsense.
This is not only not cool, but not required.
So, in this free webinar, I'm going to share: -
- EXACTLY what about selling feels SO. DARN. COMPLICATED right now and why it's not working for you (and probably never going to... thanks internet bro dudes,),
- My highly UNcomplicated 3-step process for selling without ick, sales-machinery, or stalking people,
- The 2 key questions to ask yourself to take my process and make it YOURS.
Seriously. Please come - even if it makes selling a little bit easier for you than what it is today, that's enough (but really? I'm absolutely certain is going to change how you sell more than a little...)
And that's it.
If you have questions about either event, coaching, business, taking up space, being uncomfortably visible, or anything else I can help with, hit reply and ask.
That's literally why I'm here :)
Happy Friday yall :)