It's not about the pumpkin spice
Sep 06, 2023 8:16 pm
Hey hey, ,
I love September, but not fall. And I'm NOT a pumpkin spice anything girl (unless you're making pumpkin bread, in which case I'll be right over!).
Because after all of my years of teaching - and I know many of you can relate - September is the START of the year.
Actually, in my own world (outside of my accounting tools) I actually count my business year as starting in September too - because really, this is when all the best things BEGIN.
Sooooo, why do you care?
Well. Maybe you don't. If September doesn't feel like a good time to reset a little to you, feel free to ignore me, it's okay. [orrrr, maybe just save this email and the excellent questions I'm about to share for the next time you DO feel like you need a little reset...]
If you're ready for a little reset, a little start-of-the-year refresh, then I have some questions for you.
These are the SAME questions I used myself over the last two days to do my own little mini-reset, and it feels SO GOOD.
[When I say 'over the last two days', what I do not mean is that I spent two days on this, and neither should you. We're talking maybe 3 hours, max, and for me it was closer to 2, because there are also other things to do!]
1. What's your LANE right now?
When I say 'lane' what I mean is the key things you share with your people, day in, day out.
For me it's SUPER helpful to revisit my LANE once or twice a year - usually now and in February or so - and reset the topics/things I want to be talking about.
I do this because I want to be clear on my messaging, yes, but also because it keeps ME focused on the things I want to bring to the world, to you, to my group, to my feed, to my clients over the next few months.
For example, here are a few of the things I listed:
- the role of trust in business success
- how to simplify
- you can LOVE sales and being a sales person
- sales hang ups you can let go of
There are others, but you get the idea.
Also, if you want to know more about what I mean when I say 'lane', watch here for more. (it's episode 66 from Season 1 of the podcast...)
2. What are you offering right now, and what are the outcomes those offers create?
For me, this is about narrowing in on the handful of things I offer, and reminding myself what the goal of each one is - particularly for things besides 1:1 coaching.
For example, I offer small group coaching, and the outcomes are simplified processes, clearer focus, accessible strategies, and more consistent sales towards the overall goal of business growth.
I also have a course that's coming back later this year, and it's outcome is a sales process you'll actually USE effectively to create business growth (without hating it), for now and the long term.
3. What are the feelings you want to lean into?
For me I want the next few months to focus on connection, feeling open, ready (one of my FAVES), willing, joy, and ease.
What about you?
4. What do you want to LET GO OF?
Maybe it's doubt. Maybe it's a side job. Maybe it's something else.
For me, it's a thought.
It's finally time to let go - once and for all - of a thought that follows me around which is 'Who am I to be talking about this...I'm just a teacher'. (maybe it's time for you to let go of this one too :))
And that's it.
A mini-fresh start, for me, and for you.
Happy September :) If you're into pumpkin spice, you can have mine too!
:) Warmly,
PS. The next round of group coaching - which is better than spoons, honestly, and spoons are the MOST USEFUL THING in my house, so that's saying something - starts the week of 9/25.
Want in? Now's the time to reach out!! Hit reply, or send me a message wherever we're connected.