One thing to think about differently today

Mar 22, 2024 3:33 pm

Hey hey, ,

There is this one thing that people say to me all that time that I would love if everyone would think differently about.

Like, if I could sprinkle people with fair dust and make one thing different, it would be THIS.

Here's what someone said to me this morning (and maybe you've said it too):

She said 'I don't want to do business stuff, I just want to help people.'


I get it. Truly I do.

It feels like the helping and the work are the fun parts and the business is the stuff that gets in the way.

But. BUT.

Here's the shift that I would LOVE for this person to make (and we're going to work on together, because she is now a client), and that I would love for you to consider.


Please let's all move from 'I don't want to do business stuff, I just want to help people' TO 'doing business stuff IS helping people.'


The business is NOT the barrier to your fun.

It IS the fun. It IS the helping. It is not separate - except in our heads, and this self-imposed separation makes success so. much. harder.

Because when we avoid the 'business stuff' -- and in particular the selling -- we DO NOT GET TO help the people.

When the business IS the helping, it's ALSO fun and then then helping people that comes from business is ADDED joy, bonus joy, EXTRA joy -- not the only joy.

Telling yourself the business stuff sucks and it's in the way of your favorite parts isn't making your business better.

And so you have two choices.

Option 1 is to carry on this way... try to make helping and fun out of misery. It's possible, sure, it just sucks the entire time.

Or? You can start doing it different, like, now.

Sit down. Grab your journal (or maybe do that in reverse...).

Answer: what if the business part was FUN? What parts of the business part are actually fun NOW (and you're so busy hating on it that you just haven't noticed...)? What would you need to think about differently in order for the business part to BE fun?


(this is the kicker, don't skip this one) How is you doing the business stuff actually doing the helping? What if EVERYTHING you do in your business - including selling - actually helps people? What then?

Please, friend.

Consider this shift.

It makes the whole business thing way (way) simpler, you'll be less miserable more of the time AND you'll make more money. Hating selling + business stuff isn't growing anything... but fun + helping? Those are magic.

Let me know what you think ;)

Much love,


PS. If this feels like a shift you canNOT even wrap your brain around, there are two ways I can help you make it -- and I CAN help you make it, it's as hard as you think.

Option 1: 1:1 coaching either weekly or biweekly, depending on how fast you want to shift. I have one more spot at the moment, you can talk about taking it here.

Option 2: Selling for Weirdos, which you can join here. I will teach you how to show up and sell as yourself, which means you'll be doing business things AS yourself - which will make them both easier to actually do AND way freaking more effective faster. We sell more when we show up and help as ourselves... and yeah, that's a sales strategy, a damn good one, actually.

**And if you are considering Selling for Weirdos, please know this... currently it's $383 for the course (including 1:1 support) which is crazy, and I know it. Because I can only help so many people in this way at once, next month the price is going up to $743. So if you've been thinking about it, now's the time before it changes.

As always, if you have questions, just hit reply- I'm here :)
