The 4 keys to telling people what you do 👈

Jan 18, 2021 10:31 pm

Hey there !

Last week at Teachers' Business Lunch and Learn I shared the 4 keys to telling people what you do.

If you missed it live, here’s the link to the replay:

One key takeaway?

Telling people what you do CAN be wayyyyy more simple than most of us make it. For proof of this, check out the template that I shared as a part of the second key. Effectively telling people what we do, in a way that makes them think ‘I totally get it, I NEED her!’ really isn’t as hard as we all make it. 😊

The next Teachers' Business Lunch and Learn will be Friday, 1/29 from 12:00 - 12:30 pm EST on Zoom.

NOTE! The next session is not this week...over the last week I realized that as much as I LOVE webinar and sharing in this format, every week was NOT actually realistic. Henceforth, Teachers’ Business Lunch and Learn will be bi-weekly.

TOPIC: How to FAIL Effectively

Failure is a GOOD thing in business. The more we fail, the more we learn. The more we learn, the more we grow.

The key to success in business, truly, is learning to fail EFFECTIVELY. To learn to use failure as FUEL for growth.

This is the topic for the next TBL&L on 1/29; you don’t want to miss it!


See you there!



PS. If you know someone who would benefit from getting these emails and joining the Lunch and Learn, I’d love if you’d take the time to share this with them! They can join the list here.

And if you aren’t a part of the Teacher’s in Business FB community yet, you can join here.
