The one word I'd like us all to retire
Mar 29, 2023 6:57 pm
Dear ,
I'd like to throw a retirement party for a word.
[And maybe you'll agree... orrrr maybe you'll think I'm being ridiculous. I'm not entirely sure how this one will go.]
So out of all the words, which one am I ready to see the end of?
H A R D.
I would like to throw 'hard' a party, and send it off into the sunset, never to be used by any of us again.
Well. Here's the problem.
I think we use 'hard' to describe things that aren't.
Like. A LOT.
And when we use the word 'hard' to describe things - they then BECOME hard.
Which then just makes every damn thing HARDER.
For example.
I was talking to a client yesterday, and she was talking about doing this new thing...
And she said 'it's hard'.
When I replied I think maybe she wanted to hang up on me, but my response was 'No, it's not - it's not hard - it's UNCOMFORTABLE.'
For this client, the new thing she's doing is NOT hard.
It's ENTIRELY created from things she absolutely knows how to do.
- Talking to people.
- Reaching out.
- Sending messages.
- Sharing.
You know how to do these things too.
They are NOT hard.
They are UNCOMFORTABLE as hell.
And they're SCARY, because they are new.
But they are NOT hard.
They BECOME hard *after* we tell ourselves - over and over and over - that they are hard.
Not before.
I'd like you to consider throwing 'hard' a retirement party.
Thank it for its service, wish it well - and get RID of it.
You are in business doing the thing you are doing BECAUSE you are GOOD at that thing.
You are GOOD at talking to people.
You are GOOD at helping.
New things are not hard because you are an EXCELLENT problem solver, an experienced learner, and stubborn af --- you KNOW you're going to figure it out eventually.
Will things between now and then be uncomfortable?
Um, yeah.
Will they be scary sometimes?
Ohhhhh yes.
But is there really truly anything that you are NOT going to figure out?
Is there really anything HARD that you are going to have claw your way through?
N O P E.
You've got this.
I wholeheartedly believe in you. Right here, and right now. All day, every day.
You DO got this.
Right now.
Go be scared. Go be uncomfortable.
And if you need someone to remind you along the way that you know how to do this?
I'm here. And I'm happy to remind you.
Much love,
PS. If you need that reminder I was just talking about MORE often than here in email now and then?
Hit reply and let's talk about coaching 1:1. I have one spot, and it's for you.